“there are some who take advantage of the Covid to make social plans unacceptable,” said Laurent Berger, the microphone of BFM Business, on Tuesday morning. In the viewfinder of the secretary-general of the CFDT: Nokia, among others.

read also : Nokia: the intersyndicale Alcatel-Lucent is ready to “fight” to save the job

oem telecom has recently announced the abolition of a third of its workforce in France, or 1233 jobs in its supply chain Alcatel-Lucent. Positions of research and development (R&D), devoted to technology 5G, are particularly targeted. The centre, the breton Nokia, Lannion, could be threatened.

“we need to preserve the job, because the telecom sector is one of sectors that has not suffered from this period,” says the boss of the CGT, Philippe Martinez on Tuesday morning, at the microphone of France Inter. Therefore, it is necessary for the State to say that it is not a question of cutting jobs. Nokia key of public aid with the research tax credit, with the SIEC. The State must intervene.”

on Monday, the ministry of Economy has also responded and stated that Nokia needed to “significantly improve” its plan. According to the AFP, the government will work with the Alcatel-Lucent employees to make counter-proposals to Nokia and demonstrate that France is attractive. The unions must be received on Tuesday in Bercy.

difficult Months to come

trade unions and employers also have an appointment with the president of the Republic, on Wednesday afternoon. The case of Nokia should be on the menu for this consultation.

The future device that will replace the part-time unemployment benefit should also be presented at this meeting. The trade union side, Philippe Martinez welcomes the fact that the State remains at the bedside of companies and employees. “Maintaining the part-time unemployment is a good choice because there are employees who cannot return to work, he says. Although the pandemic seems to be moving away – and even that the scientific council has launched an alert for this winter – it is necessary to continue to protect the employees that is said to be vulnerable. And so for this, the part-time unemployment is a solution”.

To the secretary general of the CFDT, Laurent Berger, the aid that the State pays to the companies must be subject to safeguards in terms of employment, but also of “social dialogue”. “It will be necessary to distinguish very clearly the companies that today are, a bit like a windfall effect, the covid to remove numbers, a-t-he explained, for those who really suffer because the activity has declined. We are talking about aerospace, for example, ADP and others, but also of those which, structurally, are already in trouble. This is the case of trade, for example, or the textile”.

read also : Activity partial: Laurent Berger (CFDT) wants to “commitments” for the maintenance of employment

provided, Laurent Berger said against the “slogan of the prohibition of layoffs. The economic reality was not that one”.

The social partners are also hoping that the topic of youth employment will be discussed tomorrow with the president of the Republic. At the present time, nothing has been revealed about the extent of the measures that are expected to be announced on the occasion of this exchange.

The editorial team conseilleEmploi in ADP: unions denounce the “disregard of the direction”Air France: 14 unions are asking to be received by the gouvernement3 commentairesPapillon181024le 23/06/2020 at 10:34 am

We wonder if a hostile TAKEOVER bid on the Finnish Nokia by a giant Hitech american or otherwise, would not be more positive for the group and the jobs. a
Nokia has contracts 5 G but not enough, because the Swedish Ericsson and of course the Chinese Huawei has outstripped.

tartatorle 23/06/2020 10:30

no surprise

Adurtalle 23/06/2020 at 10:28 am

It seems that the trade unions can be summed up with Berger, when one reads the news. While its organization is rather employers, in my opinion.

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