Almost, it would not have succeeded Frank Plasberg, to discuss about the pandemic. The managed but only until the afternoon, when his editorial, but then a change of subject announced. Instead of the United States a few months before the presidential election, the guests discussed about “mass disease in a meat factory– a danger for the country?” So it went not to Washington but to Rheda-Wiedenbrück. The resident on an industrial scale butchery operation of the Tönnies group has become the epicenter of the Coronavirus pandemic.

The title should provide the justification for the change of subject: mass disorder and danger to the country were the keywords. In fact, he showed how the whole of the consignment, the misery of a debate, in the fight against a pandemic from falling into the hands of ideologues. These are not interested in the pragmatic handling of the Virus, but the enforcement of their respective political Agenda.

In reality, there are in the whole of the district of Gütersloh in the time of 21 patients that require hospital care. Six of them in intensive care, and of these five, Tönnies, in turn, are-Employed. The was concealed in the whole of the consignment in shame, although it is obviously an important piece of Information. Without the three epidemiological Cluster in Rheda-Wiedenbrück, Germany, Göttingen, and Berlin it was only a few infections. Not least for this reason, the drug trials to a standstill we come: There are simply too few Patients.

At the same time, still no one can explain, really, why are the infection numbers outside of these focal points are so low, even though the contact restrictions are relaxed for almost six weeks. There are still many questions that nobody can answer– in spite of the in the past few months, achieved a virological and medical advances.

“how do you know?”

last night there were answers. About Katrin Göring-Eckhardt (Green) on the causes of the infections in Tönnies. She made the “working conditions and the failures of the state government” responsible. Entrepreneurs have been known to have a serious Stand, even if it is by specialists for a vegan diet. Christian von Boetticher is a Director of a oatmeal producers. As Vice-President of the Federal Association of the German food industry, he had to defend the business practices of a Clemens Tönnies, which was achieved only to a limited extent. But as a reply to Göring-Eckhardt, he posed an interesting question: “how do you know that?” the former CDU-politicians. He knew “anyone who has confirmed this.” He referred, among other things, to the local health authorities and the labour protection authorities.

The SPD-health politician Karl Lauterbach referred in this connection to another point: months ago similar outbreaks in American slaughterhouses had been observed. There are messages also from the UK. There are thus indications of where in an international comparison, the working and living conditions of the workers in the meat industry as a specific risk of infection are evidence of this? That would be an interesting question, which is not moved but only in this show hardly anyone.