Mattias’s Result was a tittarfavorit in this year’s season of ”Paradise hotel”. Nicole Wennerström Larsson sent off in the last parceremonin has brought a lot of emotions. In the ”Paradise hotel”pod tells me that she has been threatened.

” I’ve had an extreme amount of hate on Instagram. They write all sorts of violations, you can do that, I’m a rat, I’m nasty, ” says Nicole, Wennerström Larsson to the Network.

She also tells us that people have sent in pictures of her mum’s number, saying that she ”must be crazy” where she was.

” I went to take it, but now I feel that I must start to notify the the stuff that comes out. It’s a little over the top, “she says.

” I’m not scared, but it’s a little bit of hope, when they’ll just google it up and find my mum’s number. Then I feel: ”Oh, what are they doing so?”.
Nicole, Wennerström Larsson: ”the Worst thing I have ever”
Mattias Claire would be so popular with the viewers, it was no Nicole, Wennerström Larsson is anticipated during the filming of the program. She knew the most about Marcus, ”Mcuze” Johansson, when she had to choose between the two, the choice was easy.

” It wasn’t that we believed there to Mattias would be a tittarfavorit, and even if I would have known this, so I can’t make a decision based on that.

She and Marcus Johansson, and hanging out constantly since the first of the parceremonin, but it is not stated in the program, ” she says.

” So it was obvious to me that I should pick him up, even though it wasn’t the best in the game right now. However, I would have felt even falskare if I sent it out to him.

” not Really. This is the worst thing I’ve ever done, the worst thing someone has said to me, “she says.

” some People think that it’s a bad season. Now, when it’s well done stuff, then it’s wrong. Enjoy the app, it’s a fun program. It is clear that it will arouse feelings and emotions, but they feel more than what Mattias is doing; and it is to him, it is. It’s going to be fun, not getting pissed off.

the Response from the ”Paradise Hotel”, ”Never ” acceptable”
Nicole, Wennerström Larsson is critical of the way the ”Paradise hotel” takes care of comments on Instagram saying that she did not receive any specific support for mordhoten.

” I think there are a lot of comments that are left on their Instagram. Some of the stuff should be the channel, perhaps to take away, ” says Nicole, Wennerström Larsson.

the Production company behind the ”Paradise hotel,” is now calling for all the viewers to think before they write comments.

”Näthat and the threat is, of course, is never acceptable. The Paradise Hotel is in a really engaging with the program and, unfortunately, sometimes it is hard to completely protect our students from this. We’re clearing constantly, with our own comments field from the hateful and threatening comments, and offer our full support to those who need it. And we would love to invite the viewers to become agitated or involved to think about this before commenting,” writes Leigh Hübenette Högberg, deputy editor-in-chief of the PERMANENT Group in Sweden, which produces Paradise hotel, in an e-mail to the Network.

”Paradise hotel” airs Monday-Wednesday at Viaplay, Viafree, and TV3.

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