The European members of G7 have unanimously rejected thrust of US President Donald to return Russia to circle of leading industrial nations, according to French data. Trump had said before G7 summit in Canada, “Russia should sit at negotiating table.” The task is to organize world, and Russia will be needed to do so. “I was Russia’s worst nightmare, but Russia should be at this meeting,” said US president.

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The G7 group consists of Germany, USA, France, Japan, Canada, Great Britain and Italy. Russia had been excluded 2014 because of annexation of Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea and support for pro-Russian separatists in Ukraine from elite group G8, which made it G7. Russia’s return to G7 has so far not been an issue, because status of Crimea has not changed.

Chancellor Angela Merkel and Foreign Minister Heiko Maas had spoken out against a revival of G8 before meeting in Canada. Italy’s new head of government, Giuseppe Conte, whose government wants to move closer to Russia again agreed Trump’s claim via Twitter first. According to French data, France, Germany, United Kingdom and Italy were n agreed at a separate meeting not to allow Russia to be re-admitted. As a concession to Italy, y would have agreed to examine possibility of dialogue between G7 and Russia, said environment of President Emmanuel Macron. Also host country Canada remained hard. A spokesman for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said that nothing has changed in government’s declining position.

Moscow itself shows itself uninterested

Russia itself had last shown no interest in a return to G7. Instead, President Vladimir Putin relies on larger G20 format, where, for example, China and India are also represented. This attitude was also confirmed on Friday by a spokesman of RussischenPräsidialamtes: for Russia, this KeinePriorität. It is currently concentrating on andereVerhandlungsformate than G7.

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Meanwhile, Trump had announced that he would leave summit in Quebec prematurely to embassy to Singapore. He will prepare for meeting with North Korea’s Kim Jong-un, which will be held re next Tuesday.

In Quebec, Trump wants to address unfair trade relations with its partners. Trump, for example, accused norrn neighbour of Canada of having an inch of 270 per cent of dairy products from United States.

Previously, Trump had delivered a blow exchange via Twitter with Macron. Macron had threatened to exclude US from a final declaration of Summit of seven major economic powers, if necessary. “The American president may not care if he is isolated, but it does not matter to us to sign an agreement of six countries if re is a need to do so,” Macron wrote on Twitter. In spite of this Zwists, Macron and Trump met at edge of summit for a two-day conversation. Macron tweeted a photo that shows him with Trump in armchairs.

President of Council, Donald Tusk, shortly before start of summit, accused Trump of questioning international world order based on rules. The behavior of US President is a great concern for him.

Joint Final communiqué questionable

The tensions between US and its partners have increased in recent months: firstly because of US exit from nuclear agreement with Demiran and from Paris climate treaty, but also because of Trump’s decision to import duties on steel and Imports of aluminium from European Union, Canada and Mexico.

Not only many observers, but also participants of summit, such as Chancellor Angela Merkel, do not expect that re will be a joint final communiqué. Federal Foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) spoke in an interview with Süddeutsche Zeitung of differences, “which we can no longer sweep under rug”.