Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) – After the first warning strikes in the metal and electrical industry, IG Metall is announcing further strikes in the southwest. The first larger rallies are planned from Wednesday, and there should also be many early closing campaigns, in which employees should finish work a few hours earlier, the union announced on Monday. Campaigns are planned, among others, at Rolls-Royce Power Systems in Friedrichshafen or at the construction and agricultural machinery manufacturer Kramer in Pfullendorf.

According to the trade unions, almost 2,000 employees have taken part in the first warning strikes and rallies after the end of the peace obligation since Saturday. Among other things, work was temporarily stopped at Bosch in Reutlingen. “It was a successful start that made employers feel the displeasure of the employees. And that was just the beginning,” said IG Metall district manager Roman Zitzelsberger, according to a statement.

In the ongoing collective bargaining, IG Metall is demanding eight percent more money for a period of twelve months for the approximately one million employees in the industry in the south-west. As in the other collective bargaining areas, the employers’ association Südwestmetall also offered a one-time payment of 3,000 euros and an unspecified increase in the salary scales for a period of 30 months. Since both sides have not been able to come to an agreement in three rounds, negotiations will continue in Böblingen on November 8th.