Greifswald (dpa/mv) – As one of the first municipalities in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Greifswald has published an emergency plan for a longer outage of electricity and heat supply. Mayor Stefan Fassbinder (Greens) announced on Wednesday that heat islands for short-term stays and emergency shelters in schools and gyms were being prepared. Should the telephone network collapse, emergency reporting points would be activated in the city.

So far, according to the information, 20 rooms in the city area have been identified as heat islands and 5 emergency shelters. Emergency power generators were procured in order to be able to keep emergency shelters in operation in the event of a failure of the regular power supply.

The city administration also asked the population to take precautions themselves, if that was possible. Every household with a fireplace or stove can be useful. Anyone who can create offers for their family, friends or neighbors is a help.

A widespread and long-lasting power failure is said to last more than 24 hours in the entire city area. “One can expect that the emergency shelters will be set up no later than 24 hours after the start of the power blackout,” it said.

The city has printed flyers with information for emergencies. They should be available in all public city facilities from November and published in the city newspaper. “They should be separated and kept,” appealed the administration. Citizens were also recommended to stock up on food, water, medicine and cash for 10 to 14 days.