In June, Chancellor Scholz promises Ukraine the state-of-the-art IRIS-T-SLM air defense system. But then nothing happens for months. According to a report, the first of four promised systems will only be handed over after the heavy Russian air raids on several Ukrainian cities.

According to a report, Ukraine has received the first German air defense system IRIS-T-SLM. The handover took place near the Polish-Ukrainian border, reports the “Spiegel”. After the heavy Russian air raids on several Ukrainian cities on Monday, the German government once again announced that the state-of-the-art weapon system would be delivered to Ukraine in the near future. “In the next few days, the first of four state-of-the-art IRIS-T SLM air defense systems will be ready to provide effective protection for the people of Ukraine,” said Defense Ministry Christine Lambrecht. The remaining three systems are to be delivered in the coming year.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz originally promised Ukraine the delivery of an IRIS-T SLM system at the beginning of June. According to the federal government, it is the most modern air defense system that the Federal Republic has at its disposal. The Bundeswehr itself does not yet use the weapon. The 140 million euro system consists of four vehicles – a fire control device and three rocket launchers. It should be able to protect a medium-sized city from air attacks. According to the German manufacturer Diehl Defence, the air defense system enables protection against attacks by aircraft, helicopters, cruise missiles and short-range ballistic missiles.

After the Russian airstrikes, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy called air defense the top priority of military cooperation. At a special meeting, he asked the G7 countries to help Ukraine build an air defense system against Russian missiles. “Millions of people will be grateful to the G7 for such help,” said Zelenskyy. US President Joe Biden had previously promised further military aid “including advanced air defense systems”. The United States would “continue to provide Ukraine with everything it needs for its defense,” it said after a phone call from the White House.

According to Ukrainian police, at least eleven people were killed and dozens more injured in the large-scale attack series, which for the first time since June also targeted the capital Kyiv. In total, Russia fired more than 80 rockets.

With the help of anti-aircraft systems, not only cities, but also the hinterland of Ukraine can be protected. “This is important in order to be able to ensure that supply depots, fuel depots and infrastructure are protected against Russian attacks in the long term,” said Austrian Colonel Markus Reisner recently in an interview with