According to a report, the transport ministers want to present a comprehensive concept for a successor to the 9-euro ticket. This should cost 49 euros, the draft has been coordinated with numerous stakeholders. The question of financing remains unresolved.

As a successor to the 9-euro ticket, the transport ministers of the federal states apparently want to pave the way for a nationwide valid 49-euro ticket. As the “Rheinische Post” from Düsseldorf reports, this emerges from a key issues paper for the conference of transport ministers beginning tomorrow, Wednesday.

It says: “The ticket should be available at the start for the price of 49 euros in an annual subscription.” This starting price will lead to a high proportion of new customers and will have a major impact on the climate. According to the newspaper, the “Klimaticket Deutschland” should be valid nationwide on public transport. “It is personalized and non-transferrable,” it says in the “key issues paper of the conference of transport ministers on the principles of a nationwide public transport ticket”. The ticket should be offered both digitally and analogously.

However, the date of introduction still depends on an agreement on the financing. It is expected that the federal government will submit an offer “to increase the regionalization funds to compensate for the general price increases since 2019, the corona damage and the energy price increases as a result of the Ukraine war”.

According to the report, the key issues paper has been coordinated with the Federal Ministry for Digital Affairs and Transport, the municipal umbrella organizations and the leading transport associations. NRW Transport Minister Oliver Krischer told the editors that the states had started a process in September to design the cornerstones for a successor model. “This process is on the right track,” said the Green politician. But there is still a lack of overall funding for public transport.