Collective bargaining will soon begin for around 2.5 million public sector employees. In view of the high inflation, the unions are demanding a substantial increase in wages.

The Verdi unions and the civil servants’ association dbb are demanding a significant increase in wages for federal and local employees. In the forthcoming collective bargaining round for two and a half million employees, the demand for a pay increase of 10.5 percent, but at least 500 euros more per month, will be launched, said Verdi federal boss Frank Werneke after a joint meeting of the collective bargaining committees of Verdi and the German Association of Civil Servants. In view of the high inflation, it is primarily about securing lower incomes.

Inflation, food and especially energy prices tore deep holes in the household coffers of employees, said Werneke. “It’s about securing real incomes.” The employees would have lost real wages for two years. “That’s why our demand is absolutely realistic.” It’s about “people who keep this country running and are now being hit with full force by price developments”.

The unions are also demanding a term of twelve months for the new agreement. According to the information, the training allowances are to be increased by 200 euros per month. The later result is to be transferred to civil servants at the federal and local governments.

The collective agreement expires at the end of the year. Three rounds of negotiations have already been agreed for January, February and the end of March 2023.

The unions went into the previous round with the demand for a wage and salary increase of 4.8 percent over a period of one year. At least there should be 150 euros more per month. In the end, both sides agreed on an increase in two levels of 4.5 percent in the lowest salary group and level and 3.2 percent in the highest grouping. The term was two years.