The third heat wave of the summer arrives this Monday, August 7 in Spain with temperatures of up to 42 degrees in various areas of the country, according to the prediction of the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet).

The Aemet has confirmed to EFE that this heat wave is expected to last from Monday to Thursday, and that it will affect the entire peninsula, although the least affected areas will be the western Cantabrian, Galicia and Mediterranean coasts.

As of Monday, a southern component flow at low levels of the atmosphere will favor the entry through the south of the peninsula of a very hot and dry African continental air mass, which will cause an additional increase in temperatures, with the exception of the Mediterranean area where they will descend

This rise will be especially noticeable in the northern half, especially on Tuesday.

During Monday and Tuesday, up to 42 degrees can be reached in large areas of the peninsular southwest quadrant and up to 40 degrees in large areas of the north, affecting the ascents especially in the northwest quadrant, in areas of Galicia and the interior of the Cantabrian area.

According to Aemet, Wednesday could be the worst day in this third heat wave, and although it is likely that temperatures will begin to drop in the far west, values ​​are expected to continue rising, especially in the Cantabrian area and half eastern peninsular.

That day, it could reach or exceed 42 and 44 degrees in large areas of the southern half and central area, and 40 degrees in areas of the eastern Cantabrian Sea, the center of the northern plateau and the Ebro valley.

The heat wave will also leave tropical nights, when temperatures are expected not to drop below 20 degrees or even 25 in the southern half, central zone, and Mediterranean area.

As of Thursday, the start of a drop in thermometers in the northwest of the peninsula is likely and it will spread over the following days to other areas of the peninsula.

The temperatures will continue to be very high in a good part of the peninsula, although milder than the previous days.

According to the Agency, the uncertainty in the atmospheric evolution is high, so it is difficult to establish with certainty the end of the heat wave episode, although with the available information it is likely that Thursday, August 10, will be the last day of this episode.

In relation to the Canary Islands, the African air mass will begin to affect the archipelago on Wednesday, persisting for several days, and its influence will cause a progressive rise in temperatures.

As of Thursday the 10th, an episode of high temperatures is likely on the islands, but it is still too early to determine whether or not it will be a heat wave, according to Aemet.

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