Ingolstadt (dpa / lby) – After the violent death of a young woman in Ingolstadt, the police secured several knives near where the body was found, according to information on Wednesday. The search for the murder weapon took place on Tuesday with several hundred officers. The 23-year-old victim came from the Heilbronn district and was said to be a double of the German-Iraqi suspect. She and her alleged accomplice with Kosovar nationality are in custody.

The officers searched a partially densely overgrown area along the Danube in Ingolstadt. Other objects were found in addition to the knives. The extent to which the finds are related to the crime must be clarified, it said. The murder weapon sought could be a knife or a knife-like object.

After a witness call in the Heilbronn and Eppingen area about cars with Ingolstadt license plates in the region, information was received that is now being examined. The police are specifically asking for information about a black Mercedes coupe with the license plate number IN-RS 2915.

The parents of the suspected woman found the dead woman in Ingolstadt a week ago. Because the body was in the suspect’s car, both the parents and the investigators initially assumed that the dead person was the German-Iraqi woman who is now in custody.

Autopsy and investigations raised doubts about the identity of the dead. A day after the body was found, the German-Iraqi woman, who was said to have died, was arrested. A short time later, the 23-year-old Kosovar was arrested in his apartment. A DNA comparison made it certain that the dead woman was a 23-year-old Algerian from the Heilbronn district.