The company Enagás, who has the government as the main shareholder, changes from CEO.
The current one, Marcelino Oreja Arburúa, will be replaced by the former Socialist Socialist and up to now High Steering of Repsol, Arturo Gonzalo Aizpiri.
The current president of the Gasista Manager, Antoni Lladen, named Ear the lieutenant of him in September 2012 and now impends his relay.
The Son of the European Excommissioner of the PP and External Exterior Marcelino Orejaaguirre has placed his position available and facilitates the departure of him after ten in the position.

His relay, according to five days, is the General Director General of Communication, Institutional Relations and Presidency of Repsol, Arturo Gonzalo. Although of professional profile in the last decade as a high executive in the oil company, he has had more political career than ear, although in the case, in the PSOE. He participated in the 2008 election campaign with the Socialists from Madrid and was high charge for four years in the Government of Zapatero as Secretary General for the Prevention of Pollution and Climate Change in the Ministry of Environment at the orders of the current president of the Party, Cristina Narbonne. There he also coincided with the current third Vice President of the Government, Teresa Ribera, which is the authority with which he treats Enagás as a manager of the Gasista System in Spain. The State Society of Industrial Participations (SEPI) is the main shareholder of Enagás with 5%, although it is a listed company that has a multitude of private investors, among them, the investor arm of Amancio Ortega.

Sailing sources of the relay ensure that ear does not plant battle to avoid its replacement and has placed its charge available for LLARDEN.
This, linked to Catalan Socialists, appointed ear after the arrival of Mariano Rajoy to the government ten years ago, although, as well as Gonzalo, he had previously moved away from politics.
The Outgoing Delegate Director is an Industrial Engineer from the Superior Technical School of Engineering (ICAI) of the Pontificia University Comillas and before recurring in Enagás, was International Director of Aldeasa, CEO of Comssa Emte and president of the FEVE railway company.
He was a deputy in the European Parliament between 2002 and 2004 in the only political incursion of him, but he did not follow his father’s career.

For its part, Gonzalo Aizpiri is Doctor Cum Laude in Chemical Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid, in addition to having studied the Directing Program (PDD) of IESE BUSINESS SCHOOL.

The Government prompted in 2020 the entry into the Board of Directors of the Gasista Infrastructure Company at the Socialist Exministras José Blanco and José Montilla and, linked to we can, Cristóbal Galician.
Previously, the Government of Mariano Rajoy had incorporated the former Ministers Ana Palace and Isabel Bacon and the former Secretary General of the PP, Antonio Hernández-Mancha.
Enagás, which has a stock value close to 5,000 million euros has torn off the session of this Thursday to the downline with the IBEX.