The rescue teams have abandoned all hope of finding survivors at the Vegetable Factory of Mayfield, in the state of Kentucky, in the US, who was razed on Saturday by a tornado who killed 70 of the 110 people who were in
The plant at that time.
The Catastrophe of Mayfield was the most serious of the surge of more than 30 tornadoes with winds greater than 250 kilometers per hour experienced the United States on Saturday.

In the absence of official figures, the provisional calculations point to more than 100 deceased in the states of Kentucky, Illinois, Arkansas and Tennessee.
The first of those states has been, by far, the most affected.
In addition to the deaths in Mayfield, another 12 people have perished in the town of Bowling Green.
In Illinois, six people died when a tornado destroyed a warehouse from the Amazon Internet giant.

It was an unusual meteorological phenomenon.
On the one hand, there is the time of year, since in winter it is not usually tornado, and the surge on Saturday was due to an unusually hot and humid time in the region.
To that are added the dimensions of the tornadoes.
In total, the tornadoes traveled a distance of about 400 kilometers in a straight line, that is, more than the one that separates, for example, Madrid de Gijón.
One of the tornados overwhelmed 365 kilometers, of which 322 were in Kentucky.
They are exceptional figures that, to be confirmed, could make this wave of storms a historical event.

The result is an unprecedented devastation, and an obvious risk that the final figures of death and victims are considerably higher.
The tornadoes razed infrastructure, causing destruction of roads, bridges, electric networks and telephony towers, which in turn led fires and the incommunicado of communities.
The Government of Joe Biden, has declared the affected area catastrophic area.

The meteorological disaster has also had some political consequences, given that in Kentucky the Governor, Andy Beshear, is Democrat while the two Senators of the State – Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul – are Republicans.
Specifically, Paul’s call – which was a candidate for the Presidency in 2016 and could be once again in 2024 – to receive state aid has caused some controversy, since that politician is an ultraliberal who opposed the aid at aid at
Rescue operations and reconstruction of the New Jersey State after Hurricane Sandy, in 2012, and from Puerto Rico when the island was razed by Hurricane María, which caused 34,000 deaths.