Russia has been perplexed before Spain’s rejection to authorize the entry of Russian warships in the Port of Ceuta, as the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Saturday. The Spanish Government rejected that the Vicadidmiral Kulako Antisubmarine Ship and the Altai ship They made a logistics scale in Ceuta expected from August 18 to 20. This decision, warns the Russian government, contradicts the “Spirit of the Declaration of Strategic Association signed between the two countries in 2009”. The Spanish Defense Ministry had approved the visit, scheduled between Wednesday and Friday this week. But the Foreign Ministry decided to reject the petition. “With perplexity we learned of the refusal of the Spanish authorities to give permission so that the vessels of the North Fleet of the Russian Navy enter in the port of Ceuta,” said Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakarova, cited in a Communiqué.When that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Spain asked the Russian interlocutors was detailed information about the further destination of the ship, which was not facilitated, as the confidential said.

Sources of the Spanish Ministry confirmed to Russian agency Sputnik that the scale of the vessel in Ceuta was denied for not having the required documentation to dock. But the Embassy of Russia in Spain insists that it gave the Foreign Ministry of Spain the necessary information for the arrival of its warships to Ceuta.from Moscow the Foreign Spokesman has said that “it is also surprising that Spanish officials filter this History to the media, it seems that they want to demonstrate their alignment with the NATO Russophabic wing in order to the preparation of the Summit of Member States of the Alliance, to be held in Madrid in 2022.The practice of scales by of Russian warships in this Spanish port in Africa was very common between 2010 and 2016, when there were about 60 visits with more than 10,000 crew. The trakes injected in the port economy around about 4.5 million euros in total, According to the Russian channel RT.

It is not about the first found. A similar case occurred in 2016 when Spain – versus United States pressures and other NATO nations – finally decided that Russian ships do not do with Ceuta.Desde Russia, the angry statements occur. “You may now inflate this news in Spain and in Western countries in general, to believe that NATO still has an influence despite its failure in Afghanistan, it is not the first time they try to show that Russian army will have complicated Without the scales in Ceuta, but it is not like that, “said the president of the support movement to the fleet, Mijail Nenanashev. The sailors, he adds him, can rest in the Syrian port of Tartus. In addition, Egypt and Algeria normally accept the arrival of Russian ships. “Spain did not pass the test,” Apostil NenaShev.españa is part of NATO, but this military alliance does not protect Ceuta and Melilla in his article V of collective defense. But some analysts do believe that they are implicitly protected in Article IV, which allows consultations between Members if there are territories excluded by the Treaty that can be threatened in terms of territorial integrity, political independence or security. On this basis, NATO pressures are based so that Ceuta remains the margin of the Logistic Support to Russian military boats. The Demarian government Rajoypuso brake in 2016 to these stops, poorly seen by the partners of the Alliance (although they have occurred several sporadically since then). In the previous controversy in 2016 it was said that Russian ships passed by the Spanish city were going to take part later in the Syrian War in support of President Bashar Asad. In this conflict, partners as the United States have been supporting the opposite side. Equited from Ceuta has announced that it has transferred to its training at the national level “the need for normalizing the shipments of Russian ships in our city”, As he has collected in a statement sent to local media. The training has denounced “Russophobia” after these veins to Russian boats. “We do not understand that we are imposed on a rule of NATO even though Ceuta is not in that umbrella,” the training has criticized.