In the absence of Messi, good is Memphis.
And although said, in crude and without vaseline, the phrase that opens this chronicle sounds to sacrilege, because there is no possible comparison between a great striker and who may be the best as always, Barcelona served him last night to rescue a point in a
Classic in San Mamés who at times became a torture for the whole Koeman.
He took a point of Bilbao, but above all he charged his backpack, some with clear name -eric García, who finished expelled, and Griezmann- and others of more collective responsibility, because the hypotension of his soccer reached all his glasses
Blood savior to Memphis itself.
And the Athletic, impetuous always and even plethoric at times, he cursed, in a remarkable encounter, his endemic lack of Tino, which prevented him from improving a night of magic in San Mamés.

Because above all, of the goals and the result, it was one night for the celebration in Bilbao, because the life came back by the street Blogged Poza towards the Confraternization Esplanade that surrounds San Mamés, Closed Temple to Cal and Singing for 18
Months, open at last, although only 9,000 privileged could check it in person.
The Jolgorio is also worth it, because it is still a lot left for the cathedral to give up all its faithful and also so that one day like yesterday end up in the Txosnas of the big week, preserving for months, without knowing very well how
, the purple of the Konparta pinpilinpauxa in the most unsuspected parts of the body.
For all this, it will still be expected, but it satisfies that our lives recover lost certainties, few as the passion that bulle in San Mamés during a classic.

The Athletic corresponded to the excitement of longing reunion by erasing the poor feelings he offered from a premiere before Elche.
From the first minute, its greatest intensity and determination served to cancel a pale Barça, with serious problems to get the ball played – the shadow of Ter Stegen is elongated – without presence between lines of the Pedri, Jong and Griezmann and condemned
For the imbalance in the individual duel between Williams and Eric García.
Agile, dynamic and puncture, Athletic striker only lacked the goal in the first half and had an appropriate occasion to achieve it at 18 minutes, but he was too slow to arm a frank shot.
He saved him from Jong.

In Barça, the only connection that seemed to work was the one that traced Jordi Alba and Memphis when the Dutch was dropped down the left side.
Upon the goal of the definitive tie, Memphis returned to leave details of hope for the puffy culé, as a wonderful action at seven minutes when he took out the colors to Iñigo Martínez.
Braithwaite’s Garrafal Fault prevented the success of the play.

Only in the final minutes of the first time achieved the Koeman team shaking the sticky local pressure.
In fact, he came to close the initial act with a goal from Chilean de Araujo, “which replaced the half hour, injured on the hip,” but Martínez Munuera sanctioned a lack of Braithwaite in his pre-jump with Balenziaga.
The Uruguayan was also going to be a protagonist in the resumption, saving under sticks an empty door auction of Berenguer.

Nothing could be done, however, to prevent Iñigo Martínez, he would soon advance to Athletic with an unappealable header.
He went the center as a canopy to make the corner pounced by Muniain, at the impotence of Eric García, a horrible party that of the young central, pure stunning.
Maybe he should not have played after knowing the death of grandfather in Bilbao.
A goal, in any case, who did justice to the greatest local determination and punish the culé, orphaned indolence of the Messi wildcard to solve these cutters.

In absence, as always, from the azulgrana demiurge, the one who came to the rescue was Memphis, long the best azulgrana of the party.
Before an Athletic who was overflowed once his advantage was acquired, the Dutch took advantage of a forged countergolpe from a loss of Dani García to shoot Agirzabala and set at the tie on the score.
Exhausted Athletic of so much running, Barça ended up the meeting near the Rojiblanca goal, Al are a revitalized Jong in the final stretch.
The red to Eric García at the discount to stop the little one of the Williams closed a draw that Barça, seen seeing, can give good.
Memphis by, of course.