The Government President, Pedro Sánchez, has executed one & amp; Quot; Fort & Amp; quot; Remodeling of the executive that only affects the socialist part of it. Some shift changes: Carmen Calvo, until now first vice president, leaves the executive. The ladder of it will be occupied by Nadia Calviño, responsible for economic affairs, and that now will be number two. Yolanda Díaz goes from Vice President Third to Vice President Second. It also leaves another heavyweight, José Luis Ábalos, who said goodbye to the executive through social networks. The Borrón and a new account that pretends the head of the Executive is more than evident, as other exits more than significant: The Cabinet Director of Him, Round Ivan, and the Holder of Justice, Juan Carlos Campo. Field, magistrate of profession, obtained a place in the criminal room of the national audience in 2019. He is not a deputy in Congress. Sánchez printed a new turn to the government, in which he seeks to provide the same of a political and economic profile. The executive head wants to take over the pandemic management season for the COVID-19 and implanted a new organization chart so that society identifies this cabinet with economic and social recovery. This is how Calviño is explained to show the first vice president. The Government’s economic responsible maximum wins even more gallons in the face of economic reactivation and the management of European funds. The Moncloa looks for a change of message: new faces, new government for a more propitious scenario. That is not identifies with this last hard year of pandemic and economic crisis. & amp; quot; The Government initiates a new stage & amp; Quot; He has sentenced Sánchez in an institutional statement without the presence of the press and without the possibility of asking questions. The head of the Executive has claimed a commitment to rejuvenate the cabinet, give women with more weight to women and have experienced profiles in local politics, dealing with people. In this new stage, that according to Sánchez they have QUOT; Consolidate the economic recovery & amp; quot;, the communication, the empathy with society is key in the Moncloa Road Sheet. Hence the change in the government sponsory and the closest political profiles a day-to-day people. Reinforcement of the PSOE: Bolaños and López Sánchez marks point and apart in the legislature with a crisis and early government for being. He wants a new government action. And the most evident proof is the march of the cabinet director of him, Round Ivan, a person who enjoyed great power and ancestry in the Moncloa, architect of some of Sánchez’s capital decisions. Sources of Moncloa explain that he would also have asked to go out and has shown willingness to it. The position of him had been questioned in the bosom of the PSOE, especially after the Batacaz of the Party in the Elections to the Community of Madrid. The electoral campaign was coordinated by round and the socialists were surpassed by more Madrid as opposition leaders. & amp; quot; Those fights between them and the catch of Madrid have been final & amp; quot;, they explain in the executive. They are used to fights between Moncloa and Ferraz and between the Round Round and Carmen. Against, it takes strength for the PSOE in the government. The match. Political profile In this context, the decision of AUPAR to Oscar López is framed as a new head of Cabinet, currently responsible for state paradores. Lopez was the PSOE Secretary of Organization between 2012 and 2014; He socialist leader in Castilla y León and has been a deputy and senator. In the Socialist primaries of 2017 he supported Patxi Lopez. Also party man is Felix Bolaños. PSOE’s strut of Madrid, the Sánchez Federation, is a man of the Government’s top confidence, which has entrusted tasks as sensitive as the negotiation to form the coalition government, the exhumation of Franco, the negotiation with the PP To renew the judicial power … Until now General Secretary of Presidency, assumes the Ministry of Presidency, relations with the courts and democratic memory, the position occupied Carmen Calvo. The work of him will, therefore, assume the coordination of the cabinet. In the favor of him, in addition to Sánchez’s confidence and being a party man, having a good relationship and communication with units. We can – sheltered the coalition with Ione Belarra. And it is that precisely bald has evidenced in the last dates a wear, especially due to the permanent confrontation of it with United Can Ministers. The approval of the Trans Law and the Law of the Law is yes, to which He had put qualms, was interpreted as a political defeat. Fire friend inside the executive placed her in the focus. Government Sources Wear, in addition, that the relationship of it with Round No ErA full good. Arrival of Pedro Sánchez to the Palace of La Zarzuela to inform Felipe VI and the changes. Even an economic sector, untouchable another of the socialist profiles that is reinforced is that of the Andalusian María Jesús Montero. While she ceases to be the executive spokesperson, she continues to maintain her weight as a hacienda holder, responsibility she adds public function. And is that one of the aspects that he wanted to make clear Sánchez with his government crisis is the backbone of the Executive is not touched and that two of his ministers of maximum confidence, Calviño and Montero, see reinforced the position of it. Calviño as number two will be the maximum reference, with which a message is also transferred to Brussels against the noise and contradictory messages that have been, especially with units. ICETA outside the dialogue with the CCAA Another minister with a political weight that follows in the government is Miquel Iceta, but on this occasion to change the portfolio. The leader of the PSC was in charge of the interlocution with the communities as a territorial policy holder. He now will assume culture and sport in substitution of José Manuel Rodríguez Uribes. Just at the moment when the dialogue table should be opened with the Generalitat and when Sánchez wants to flake the & amp; Quot; Agenda del Reuncentero & Amp; Quot;, the Catalan socialist leader is attached to the department that should pilot this regional interlocution. Iceta replaces Isabel Rodríguez, mayor of Puertollano and who, in addition, will be the new spokesman of the executive. The appointment of it has been communicated by Emiliano García-page, president of Castilla-La Mancha, during the PSOE Regional Committee. Rodríguez was spokesman for Eduardo Madina and Susana Díaz in Ciudad Real in the two primary processes that Pedro Sánchez has starred in the PSOE. Now the executive head recovers it for one of the key departments of the Legislature, also giving the spokesperson gallons. United We can, & amp; Apos; armored & amp; Apos; After several weeks working on the changes, it was finally yesterday afternoon when he informed him to the hard nucleus of him in Moncloa and the Third Vice President and Minister of Labor, Yolanda Díaz, which is the interlocutor of him in the coalition government with United We can. The ministers, in addition to the relay, do not rule out that there may be a redefinition of competences. Sánchez has decided not to open a debate with we can over his fee in government and limit only changes to socialist portfolios. The five purple ministers are kept in office. Government sources indicate that in the negotiation between Sánchez and Diaz it was agreed to keep the United ministries, we can be marked from the remodeling in a negotiation maintained in recent days. The long-term leader has also avoided unleashing a crisis and internal battle in the formation of the distribution of power quotas, within a few months of assuming the leadership in the government after the departure of Pablo Iglesias. It should be remembered that although churches appointed Diaz as the reference of units we can in the government, she is not militated or in IU or in the common of Ada Colau. Thus, Díaz itself (third vice presidency and work), Irene Montero (equality), IONE Belarra (social rights), Manuel Castells (Universities) and Alberto Garzón (consumption) will continue in the Council of Ministers. Precisely Garzón has been in the focus of the anteroom of this crisis by the campaign of it to reduce the consumption of meat, which has bothered both PSOE and we can for the forms and the selected time. & amp; quot; This new time pushes us to think about Great & AMP; Quot; He written Yolanda Díaz on Twitter, to follow later writing that & amp; the future is written with the strength of women & amp; quot; and that & amp; quot; this government remains committed to the great challenges of the coalition agreement & amp; quot; The pact between both formations revealed that Sánchez was who decided in the socialist departments, while Díaz was the one who had the last word among the purple. And he sent both leaders at his appointment. According to the sources consulted, the President has not been able to wait any longer, for the concern that the changes had generated among their ministers and by the constant questions of the press, and has decided to undertake it already, despite the fact that in recent days the Debate about whether it would be better to wait until September to bring the socialist crisis to the PSOE congress planned for October. The PSOE canceled this morning the act of presentation of an affiliate campaign, by the Secretary of Organization and Minister of Transport, José Luis Ábalos. Initially, this day had been reserved for a party event with Sánchez, but AThroughout the week, the plans were modified. Acknowledgments and dismissed after knowing the changes in the executive. The outgoing ministers have employed social networks to say goodbye. & amp; quot; have served my country as a minister of transport, mobility and urban agenda has been a great honor for me & amp; quot; wrote the number two of the PSOE, besides thanking Pedro Sánchez the confidence he put on him. Carmen Calvo also used Twitter to say goodbye to the government publicly. & amp; quot; Proud of having served my country during these 3 years so complex and have fulfilled my duty & amp; Quot; wrote the until now First Vice President of the Government. For his part, Nadia Calviño pronounced from Venice-she is at the G-20 meeting – warning that the priority of the Cabinet of Pedro Sánchez is to achieve recovery after the crisis of the pandemic of the Coronavirus, reports EFE. & amp; quot; This government is dedicated to consolidating economic and social recovery, that is our priority, deploying the recovery plan, deploying the productive tissue, promoting quality job creation, especially in young people and women & amp; Quot;, said the new first vice president. & amp; quot; It is an honor and a great responsibility to be Vice President of this Government with this exciting and inspiring future program & amp; Quot; He added. This is the Government President: Pedro SánchezVicePresident First and Minister Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation: Nadia CalviñovicePresident Second and Minister of Labor and Social Economy: Yolanda Díaz.VicePresident Third and Minister of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge: Teresa Ribera.Mende of the Presidency: Felix Bolaños Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation: José Manuel Albaresministra of Justice: Pilar Llopministra De Defense: Margarita ROBLESMINISTRA DE TERIENDO AND PUBLIC FUND Education and Vocational Training: Pilar Alegriaministra of Industry, Trade and Tourism: Reyes Marotministro of Agriculture, Fishing and Food: Luis Plansministra of Territorial Policy and Public Function and Spokesperson of the Government: Isabel RodríguezMministry of Culture and Sports: Miquel Icetaministra of Health: C AROLOLA DARIAS HORE SOCIAL RIGHTS AND AGENDA 2030: IONE BELARRAMINISTRA OF SCIENCE AND INNOVATION: Diana Morantministra of Equality: Irene Mainmaker of Consumption: Alberto Garzon Minketer of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration: José Luis Escrival Min