Of all the news about the daily progress on the vaccination front, this is the most gratifying in a long time. From the point of view of research, an effective and also safe vaccine is soon in sight for children and adolescents up to the age of 15. What the Biontech boss and vaccine developer Sahin has announced gives hope that after the summer holidays and one and a half years of lessons under difficult pandemic conditions, at least for the older children, the school will again become a friendly learning place without fear of infection.

Virtual homeschooling in distance learning was and is for many students in view of their precarious living and living conditions without suitable digital equipment at home more a sitting of time than a reasonable learning. In addition, there is the lack of direct exchange with friends and classmates, which also puts a lot of mental strain on many adolescents during puberty.

The significantly higher risk of infection in children and adolescents shows how urgently such a vaccine is needed. Not only to rapidly reach herd immunity, but also to prevent deaths and severe disease progression in parents and younger age groups. However, the dispute over the priority vaccination of children, which also broke out in June, has led to heated debates between parents, virologists and politicians on this issue. That would be the bad consequence of good news.