The coronavirus pandemic has affected virtually all areas of life and has many facets. For the majority of people, it also has financial consequences for some of these be fatal. Many German plagues, therefore, very acute or long-term Worries when it comes to income, Savings, and old or new debt. Especially in relatively young people scares the crisis. In addition, the value of money appear to not a few in a new light, and the special experiences that you could comply with to something less desirable, although you have to present a lot of Fond. This gives a representative survey of the Postbank, which is the F. A. Z. exclusive.

Kerstin Papon

editor in the economy.

F. A. Z. Twitter

Therefore, nearly two out of three German to Worry, to not have sufficient savings to make on average. More than half of the citizens (58 percent), the average value and safety of the Saved, and nearly as many are in fear of their income. 43 percent of respondents fear that you have to consume for the age of notional Pension. On average, 41 percent of German citizens concern plagues that they need to do in this Situation, debt, about a third are already preparing nights of existing debt sleepless.

Younger particularly concerned

There are significant differences in the age. Respondents younger than 50 years, are whole, they are more often troubled when it comes to your own financial Situation. Particularly from 30 to 39-year-old respondents protrude with their Fears. So 72 percent, almost three-quarters of this age group, fearing to do not have sufficient reserves. Of the 40 to 49-year-old respondents, about two-thirds worry about it. For comparison: a Total of 60 percent of Germans fear, on average, to have too little saved. At least the age group 70plus shows worried about it (50 percent). Similarly, the values are overlooking the income, they only differ even more.

The age structure is similar also in the question of the safety of the rear, as well as the Worry about old or new liabilities, although with lower values. The topic of debt suggests families, especially on the mind. So, every second Respondent that lives in a household with four people, and more feared, therefore, to have a new make, the highest in the survey. It looks similar to existing liabilities.

view on money changed

The Corona pandemic has changed not only the life, but also, in many cases, the views of money. More and more people enjoyed possession of Money, to say the Postbank professionals and speak in reference to Scrooge McDuck, the well-known cartoon character, Walt disney’s, of a “Scrooge-ization” of Germany. The “richest duck” in the world, is known for her vast fortune and their avarice.

In comparison to the time before Corona became the example for many of the less important of money for a nice experience such as a vacation or a visit to a restaurant to spend a – before the pandemic estimated that, on average, about 39 percent of Germans, finally, there were 34 per cent. Has, however, increased the appreciation, to have money, whether on the account or in the money box at home, from an average of 24 to 28 percent.