the Federation and the countries want to decide, in spite of the rising infection numbers from next week in a second opening step further relaxations for the citizens in the whole of Germany. According to a draft decision by the Meeting of German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the Minister-presidents of the länder on Wednesday, which is the F. A. Z.. Basically, the Lockdown but for the time being, until 28. March will be extended.

Lorenz Hemicker

editor in the policy

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Thus, from 8 to. March, increases the allowed number of people for private meetings. Currently, members of a household are allowed to meet only one other Person. In the future, up to five people are allowed to come together, plus any children up to 14 years. In regions with a lower Seven-day incidence of the circle of people should be allowed to be extended to ten. It is unclear, apparently, whether this extension is to grab a 50 or 35 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants. Conversely, this also applies to the limit of the adopted loose again on the existing rule would be exacerbated.

backed by a comprehensive Corona-Tests

After having been for 1. March the hairdressers have re-opened, will follow from next Monday, bookstores, flower shops and garden centers nationwide uniform. They are included in the retail of daily need. You will need a corresponding hygiene concept that many companies had already before the recent Lockdown, and to also limit the number of your customers on one Person per 20 square meters. Also, body services, as well as driving and flying schools are allowed to receive customers. Of them, however, are not only required hygiene concepts, but also a test concept for your staff. In addition, your customers are required to present a current Covid-19 rapid test or self-test.

at All is to be hedged, the adopted loose due to extensive Corona-Tests. You are in the present design, the cornerstone for the containment of the pandemic. Until the beginning of April, companies, countries and municipalities to ensure that all people who are not sick, can make each week, free of charge, fast test and a corresponding certificate of the test result. Open the draft of the Federal and state whether the offer is at least one or two Tests per week.

is Highlighted in the draft, that the States and the Federal government to proceed with the further opening up the steps together, and in accordance with common standards. However, it provides for the States in a third opening step at a later time opening individual steps, as soon as in a country or a Region, to date, for relaxations announced limit of 35 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants is stable under steps. In these cases, the governments of the countries to decide whether to open the retail and in compliance with the 20-square-rule completely. Also about the admission to museums, Zoos, and memorials, you should then be, as well as the re-admission of contact-free Outdoor sports with small groups of up to ten people.