The independent scene is enormously important for the city, their neighborhoods, social cohesion, was head of Cultural Affairs, Ina Hartwig (SPD) said a few weeks ago. As the representatives of the outdoor theater, visual artists, film makers had presented to the end, just a collection of claims. The General Tenor is that The money is not enough.

the Frankfurt city Council has cut agreed on a budget that despite the crisis, in Essence, what was 2020 – without donations and grants. For the freelance artists and cultural institutions of the city this is a positive Signal. A letter from the Department head to the “beneficiary” afterwards gave it the same day. With praise and thanks to the creativity and courage in a time of crisis. With the statement that the city will need to prioritize. And with the promise, for increases for projects and individual facilities 2022 to use.

Before a local election, but no matter how the like to go out, the questions remain. Where are you priorities? You should be a confrontation of “fixed” versus “free”, “E” against “U” emerge? How much economic Thinking is to be expected of the art facilities to how much you can do and how freedom can be designed so that not only the Mainstream can be offered? It has changed very much since it’s been almost 50 years ago, the first independent theatre groups separated themselves from the city’s theatres.