In the internal dispute of the Strasbourg EPP group in the question of how the conservative camp in Europe in world vividly to set up. Roughly speaking, there are two offers: In Eastern Europe, the response to Migration and societal change is more likely to foreclosure and Steady-state, in Western Europe, with openness to the world and modernization.

In the European people’s party, Merkel’s CDU and the Fidesz party of Hungarian Prime Minister Orban to form the two poles of this debate. Although the occasion of some debate, such as the refugee crisis, a few years back, have hardened the positions. The German Union, parties to an accrual rate to right-wing, while Orbán to implement their ideas, to Share in the deed.

The group Chairman Manfred Weber has long sought, the Store still hold together. Like each of his predecessors, he did not want to as large a force, in Strasbourg much the party losing the Parliament of impact force. As in Hungary, the law and the values of the EU are becoming stretched and hollowed out, the time for the Tactics, but in the past.

Orbán himself seems to doubt the benefits of a further collaboration with a group in which a majority wants to get rid of. A separation would be at least honest: The EPP was never a platform for right-radicalized sections of the bourgeoisie, but always toward the center-oriented.