EXCLUSIVE – Capitol Police at a Wednesday letter stated there’s”no present investigation” to Rep. Russ Fulcher, R-Idaho, even though having a Feb. 17 report saying authorities were investigating the congressman for shoving beyond an officer on his own way through a metal detector.

“It is ludicrous. It is wonderful how this whole thing uttered,” Fulcher told Fox News of this HuffPost report.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi implemented new guidelines requiring members of Congress to input the Capitol via metal detectors — that GOP lawmakers opposed — or face heavy penalties, following the mortal Jan. 6 Capitol riot, saying in a statement that the modifications had been necessary to maintain those work from the Capitol, such as the Capitol police, secure.

Capitol Police told Fulcher at a interview and also a letter obtained by Fox News that he wasn’t under investigation.

“. . “We think this concludes this issue but please allow me to know if you have any queries.”

The first HuffPost report was founded on a firsthand report from Fuller, who tweeted Jan. 12 that”Russ Fulcher… pushed his way through” metal sensors set up in the Capitol following the Jan. 6 riots.

The following day, on Jan. 13, Fulcher reacted to the tweet using an announcement, calling the Capitol Police”heroes” and stating he proceeds to”thank and support” officers for their job.

“I, along with other [House] members, hauled to the Sergeant at Arms we wouldn’t be engaging with all the new screening process until we understood House principles were followed,” Fulcher said in a streak of tweet. “Finally, I’m unaware of any impolite interactions between associates and capitol police”

About a month after, Fuller reported that Capitol Police”were investigating the issue,” and the concerned officer didn’t wish to talk to the media and”seemed to be shaken in the interaction” He explained in a Feb. 17 tweet which Capitol Police telephoned him”for a meeting” he described as”fairly mysterious,” stating that they had two”continuing” investigations into members of Congress such as Fulcher.

“The very best way to explain what Fulcher did was that he’manhandled’ the officer, a Black girl who had been significantly smaller compared to the congressman,” the report says. Fox News achieved to Capitol Police via telephone and email in the time and got no response.

The journalist added he tried to ask the officer on it afterwards,”and while she would not say anything, she almost had tears in her eyes”

The Post achieved to Fulcher’s office for comment, however, the congressman’s office didn’t respond.

“We stand completely by Matt’s firsthand reporting, which included watching Congressman Fulcher catch a officer with both hands and push beyond her, and being advised by numerous Capitol police officers who Fulcher was under investigation in the moment,” Matt Mittenthal, spokesperson for HuffPost, told Fox News.

Numerous news outlets reported HuffPost’s reporting about the alleged evaluation.

“I thanked them for their support daily, said I value them greatly, and [said] there were media reports, both local and national, about particular associates…[under investigation],” Fulcher said, adding that police told his office first time that he attained out in regards to the allegations of an investigation the Capitol Police don’t comment on investigations.

Fulcher reported that Republican Illinois Rep. Rodney Davis, standing member of the Committee on House Administration, subsequently requested Pittman if there had been any investigations into members of Congress at the moment, along with also the police chief said .

The congressman said that he travelled to Pittman afterwards, asked for confirmation that there was no evaluation in writing, and she consented.

Fulcher proceeded to explain the addition of metal sensors, razor wire along with the continuing existence of the National Guard in downtown D.C. within an”attempt to convey this false story to the planet about the way [Congress] members really are a danger to other members”

“That is indeed political,” Fulcher said of this report and of press bias generally. “There’s a partnership. It is my third season here today, and it is evident. There’s a partnership involving a lot of my colleagues throughout the aisle and mainstream websites. And they’re collectively using occasions since January to convey this false story to the planet that it is the Republicans and individuals who have an affiliation with Trump which are the reason behind this fear and harm.”

HuffPost spokesman Mittenthal stated the socket won’t be upgrading its first report.