A legislative committee in Colorado has advanced a bill that could provide future and recent victims of child sexual attack boundless time to sue their abusers.

Lawmakers about the Senate Health and Human Services Committee unanimously passed the bill Wednesday, ” The Colorado Sun reported. It is going to next visit the full Senate for discussion.

The legislation would remove that limitation.

A similar attempt failed last year due to discussions among lawmakers on if to provide victims an path to file suits against their abusers years following the abuse occurred.

The laws would apply to individuals abused after Jan. 1, 2022, and individuals that are inside the window of their statute of limitations by that date.

Another step seeks to offer past child sex abuse victims a chance to sue their abusers and associations that failed to intervene. That bill hasn’t yet been scheduled for its first committee hearing.

“These statements are the result of a decades-long battle to bring some justice and healing into the survivor community. It is time that we do it.”

The company bill is meant to give institutions the capacity to correct their wrongs in a manner in which the patrons feel does not violate the Constitution.

“There was always an urge to attempt and tackle the decades-old, well-documented background of child sexual abuse and institutional cover up in Colorado,” stated Raana Simmons, spokesperson for the Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault. “The issue, I believe, was how can we do it”