Neglected and malnourished After the death of a 93-year-old woman the Hanover district court has sentenced 74-year-old son to a suspended sentence of one year and four months. The strenuous performance of the care could lead to Overwork, said the judge on Tuesday. The 74-Year-old was court-ordered supervisor of the dementia sick woman.

The state Prosecutor had demanded the penalty of one year and four months on probation – because of dangerous bodily injury and suspension in less serious cases. The man had left his mother in a helpless situation, although he will want to improve their situation, actually have. The defender argued for a suspended sentence of not more than one year. (Az.: 236 Ls 439/19)

In December 2016, the 74-Year-old and his mother from a retirement home in Hanover, in her own apartment, where she lived until her death. A supply by a nursing service, it was not, the son lived in Hamburg, and only came occasionally to Hannover. In June 2017, the wife, severely dried out and died. The Elderly woman weighed at the time of her death, only 26 kilograms. Half a year previously, she had weighed 38,2 kg.