If something is abolished, is associated often with embellishments. The system of public broadcasting and, in particular, when it comes to the abolition of Cultural programmes, is practiced it. As the Hessischer Rundfunk in 2019, planned to make its culture wave HR2 an “audible” classical wave, he called the planned demolition of the of course, “process of transformation” and the demolition of the bulb not the bulb, but “culture-Unit demolition”. As strong protests against it, had to lift out the transmitter first, specifically, HR2’ll be “of course not ‘word-free’, but more to the classical centered”.

As the NDR 2020 abolished his literature journal, was hoping to get there, “to make the content of the literature reporting the other side of a transmission space for more people, regardless of time available”: an amazing speech act to transport the literature to the Afterlife. And now, after it became known that the WDR has decided, according to a Letter to his reviewers last Friday, the daily book reviews in the magazine “mosaic” on WDR and the literature to give in the future a much smaller role in the culture magazine, appeared yesterday in a kind of self-interview of the channel with the WDR3-program-in-chief Matthias Kremin, who denied that there were cuts, there were actually only planned changes to literature in other formats, “provide the time”. On the one hand, Kremin contests, to reviews, to abolish, on the other hand, he says, the WDR to develop “at the moment, ideas and suggestions on how literature, in addition to the classical reviews in the new forms can occur” to inspire, of course, “even more people for literature”.

Behind-the-Scenes sounds something like this, however, is often somewhat different. The HR of the radio Director said at the time, staff, listeners would be deterred by the term “literature”. And at the WDR, you can hear, in the said letter to the literary editors on the staff, the look, suddenly without jobs (due to the pandemic effects of a zusȁtzlicher scandal), also strong Regret has been expressed – which is connected with a comparison to the language of images of Rupture and of the Neubetonierens.

Who was first cynical?

The cynicism was, at first, in the case of the program Manager, who is responsible for the culture – and-criticism removal and then laced: As the critic Insa Wilke is surely directed together with many colleagues in an open letter to the WDR-intendant, and at the same time a Petition to Change.org has formulated. She laments the under-estimation of the WDR3 listeners: “Obviously the decision-makers no longer go out in the WDR that the audience is able to follow six minutes of a conclusive argument. Or is the former core audience of the ‘cultural radios’ WDR3 not the target audience of the station?”