The German Tennis Federation (DTB) has experienced more turbulent times than the last time. The quarrels in the office of the Davis Cup-captain, dealing with the finances or the election of the President – there were always plenty of bluster with respect to the orientation of the with around 1.4 million members, world’s largest tennis Association. With Michael Stich, a former Wimbledon champion, applied six years ago, even the lead, but ultimately before the vote.

Pirmin Clossé

sports editor.

F. A. Z.

Under Ulrich Klaus, who holds the position of President for 2014 and now a third term of office applies, the Situation has calmed down. This also has to do with the quiet, always friendly, and balanced type of the incumbent to. However, the increase in tennis circles, criticism of the leadership style of the retired teacher’s ends. In the case of the digital General Assembly on Sunday, the 70 gets-Year-old, surprisingly, a counter-candidate. For the first time in decades, it could come to a vote.

Dietloff von Arnim, formerly tournament Director of the düsseldorf World Team Cup, and is currently President of the Tennis-Verband Niederrhein, confirmed his candidacy to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. “I am convinced that Tennis still has many opportunities to better depict, to present themselves and market themselves,” he said. “So my Team is.”

Ulrich Klaus is available since November 2014 at the top of the world’s largest tennis Association. : Image: dpa

Delicate the Situation is, because at the same time, a statutory amendment is sought. On a request from the tennis Association of the Saarland, and it should be in the future allows members of the Presidium, at the same time permanently to one of the 17 regional associations of the DTB rule. The application depends directly on the composition of the management team of Arnim. It includes two of the so-called “land of princes”, which did not want to give up their Offices in their regional associations, but in the case of the choice. 2014 state of the application once to the vote, but was rejected ultimately clear.

Because there are legitimate criticisms of the project. In a letter to the voting members of the Federal Committee, which is the F. A. Z., criticized about the previous DTB President Georg von waldenfels to the process. As Chairman of the ethics Commission, he warns, among other things, the conflicts of interest that arise when a Vice-President in the DTB decide on their own proposals for financial support of their national Association. “The accumulation of offices does not solve problems but creates them,” – said in the Letter.