The political process for the settlement of the conflict in Libya has entered a crucial Phase. In the coming days, the members of a transitional government to be determined in the vicinity of the Swiss city of Geneva to lead the country up to the December elections. The candidates are now nominated, a further hurdle has been taken.

Christoph Ehrhardt

a correspondent for the Arab countries, based in Beirut.

F. A. Z. Twitter

The mediator of the United Nations for the conflict, Stephanie Williams,called on the members of the election officer, “Libyan political dialogue forum” at the kick-off meeting on Monday to diejenigenzu choose, the place the Well-being of the Libyan people over self-interest.From Washington and Berlin, the congratulations came in. The American Embassy in the Libyan capital of Tripoli, informed, military logic, as well as the cooperation with foreign forces and mercenaries are compatible with the “demands of the Libyan people for change”.

the saboteurs Come out of cover?

it is Planned, that the delegates from the Libyan parties to the conflict to determine until the end of the week, a new presidential Council. This should include a representative from the large regions to the West (Tripolitania), East (Cyrenaica) and the South (Fezzan) and adopted a chief, leads the business.

The upcoming Phase is not only critical – it is also the most delicate. Because now it is no longer a process, but to questions of Power. Diplomats involved in the international mediation efforts, talk of an “endgame”. The experience has shown that in such times, the saboteurs and potential losers from the coverage to come.