The Northern Irish Prime Minister, Arlene Foster considers the rules in the Brexit-agreement Northern Ireland is “not feasible”. The politician of the Protestant party the DUP said on Saturday the British radio station BBC 4. She wanted to now the British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, and the Irish government in Dublin, the so-called Northern Ireland, to abolish the Protocol. It is part of lead to significant tensions in the British country, says Foster.

The scheme, according to which the British Northern Ireland part of the European remains, in spite of Brexits furthermore, the internal market, had led to difficulties in trade and to partially empty supermarket shelves in the province. The background for the current demands of the EU, at least, considered the activation of an emergency mechanism’ in Northern Ireland-Protocol, however. The step had led on Friday to a hue and Cry across all political camps in the UK and both Parts of Ireland.

Brussels had informed, to make exports of vaccines, in the future, subject to approval. Also border controls between the EU member Ireland and the British province of Northern Ireland, the rails of the announcement, according to possible. To avoid this, had Brexit wrestled to the negotiators, however, for many years to come to an agreement. Controls on the intra-Irish border are considered to be poison for the fragile peace process in the former civil war in the province of Northern Ireland.