The workbench of the democracy has become in the past few years longer. It will work, the Sleeves of carded, masters, journeymen, apprentices, and Amateur craftsmen Since Since. Citizen participation, wide-scale decision-making processes, survey of all stakeholders, in workshops, on platforms, even the culture gets to something solid, Real, Hands-on, if you look at them that way.

With Hands-on, as they say, is to be the “master plan for culture in the state of Hesse”, such a civic participation project. With the Chance of really figuring out what works well, what should be expanded and what is, perhaps, the day before yesterday and not for tomorrow. The Form provides itself of course, if the toads to swallow any political decision, can invoke later from swallowing the fact that they had been democratically voted on.

In one and a half years, professionals and Amateurs to develop, as a future plan for the Hessian cultural landscape, of work grants for artists to Zoological collection. The “subject patent” spoke at the kick-off event about the Engagement and volunteerism, rural and, above all, about diversity, and part of, without defining what that may be, but shows that in addition to the common a lot of fine work, Tinkering in Workshops to do in this process. “Cultural education”, a key term for the future, not means (only) that children from well-off families, learn an Instrument, or ballet school. Hopefully, the work bench, plenty of space for the principle. Also, why in ten specialist workshops, so far, only a single Time the word “art” is in “Economic situation of the artists”. Otherwise, art remains at the end in front of a loud culture left.