British, France, tourists have canceled Thousands of your holiday to be even before the entry into force of a quarantine rule in the United Kingdom. Planes, trains, and ferries were filled on Friday. The operator of the channel tunnel traffic Autozugs, in the hour after becoming aware of the new rule will be 12,000 Tickets had been booked reported. Otherwise, a few Hundred are common, a spokesman said.

The Exodus had triggered the British government, as France took on Thursday night from the list of States for which an exception to the quarantine rule applies. Who returned to Saturday 4.00 p.m. from a trip to France is home, must remain at home for two weeks in Isolation. It is especially hard for people who can’t work from home meets. You leave or in the worst case, even the earnings lost as a result. Families with school-age children who come home until next Wednesday or later, miss the start of School.The new school year begins at most of the facilities at the 2. September.

With the airline British Airways, the prices increased massively. On Friday night, a Ticket from Paris at a cost to London 452 pounds (about 500 euros). After the expiry of the deadline on Saturday, there were still 66 pounds. Also the ferry companies to the right to take strong.

From when it is in the United Kingdom?

In the case of the race against time some of the anti-sweep creativity: The passenger ferry, which was planned to arrive just a few minutes before 4 o’clock in Newhaven, reported the Daily Mail of his discussion with Covid-19-Hotline of the government, such as”back in the United Kingdom” is to be interpreted: in the case of a delay, perhaps, to have been before 4 p.m. British waters reached? A clear answer and he was, therefore, at least for him, the question was superfluous, but anyway: To 3.58 PM he had rolled his car in Newhaven from the ferry.

A music group said on Twitter, she was ferried to her concert in the French Lessay on Friday evening with a fishing boat to the United Kingdom. Allegedly, they arrived by 3.50 PM and, thus, before the Onset of the quarantine policy. A family with three children, said the”Mirror Online” they were after the announcement of the British government for twelve hours by driven to make it on time from the South of France to the UK, because the father could not work from home.

No luck with a mother who was able to get Last-Minute Tickets for herself and her son with a disability, on the other hand, however, due to a delay of your TGVs for the last Eurostar to the UK, missed. Your son was during the last lock-downs very bad, which is why they are necessarily in time have to return, she wrote on Twitter. The France Trip was supposed to take him to the severe time on other thoughts. Now the two have to be in your return for 14 days in quarantine.