Donald trump’s attempt to Sabotage the U.S. Postal service apparently show their impact on the ground. Because the President refuses for months to help the distressed Post-financially, save the leaders now on the Service. In many municipalities, local administrations defendant in the past few days, that post boxes and sorting equipment had been removed.

In New York, said the Post, it was the removal of post boxes in order to “regular maintenance work”. In Philadelphia, the postal workers ‘ Union reported that seven sorting machines had been dismantled, and that this delay in delivery. From many parts of the country, postal workers reported in the American media from concerned customers, and complaint letters.

Trump had made in the past few weeks, no secret of the fact that he wants to weaken the postal voting procedures, on the many Americans and Americans have to rely because of the Coronavirus pandemic. Most recently, he had openly said, that will fail at the end of the letter choice, how you want to offer some States as an Alternative to Queuing in front of polling station, probably for financial reasons. At the same time, he and the Republicans are blocking for months urgently needed financial assistance.

161 billion dollars of debt

The Post is a public Corporation, which is financed from the current business. It has Long been in a financial crisis. Their debt was by the end of 2019 at 161 billion dollars. Since Trump is attacking the Post publicly, buy many Americans are stamps on the stock, to show their solidarity with the Institution that according to the polls, in spite of their notorious hard-to-maturity is very popular.

The Democrats, which some critics blame in the post-crisis slow reaction, could call back the deputies of the house of representatives so well earlier from the break in the Meeting. The leader of the majority party discussed this possibility late Saturday night in a conference call, it said in American media. The house of representatives could insist that both chambers adopt resolutions to Post. To do this, you would have to agree with the Republicans, which would need to position then, clear as a yet to Trumps attack.