The particularly strong from an immigrant background of many of the residents influenced the population structure of Offenbach’s makes the start of School under Corona conditions a little more difficult than elsewhere. Because, as in many cities, especially in travellers returning from high-risk areas, which contribute to an ever-larger part of the infections are. In view of this, the city of Offenbach and the state education office have decided to have a phone of action: Since Thursday teacher of 28 Offenbacher schools try to reach the parents of all in all 14.457 students and to ask you whether you have spent, perhaps, in a high-risk area your holiday. In conversation, teachers should refer to the rules in force for returnees from high-risk areas-that is, the mandatory Testing, on the necessity of quarantine, and on the duty of the health Department to register, as Susanne Meissner, head of the State Supervisory school authority for the city and district of Offenbach, explained on Friday.

Jochen Remmert

airport editor and correspondent of the Rhine-Main-Süd.

F. A. Z.

The town of a multilingual information campaign drives for weeks, with leaflets, posters and the like. It is, however, also aware that to achieve only a part of the trip are returnees from Corona-crisis areas. Therefore, the city supports the school administration to staff. But it is actually only responsible for making the spaces available for teaching. Everything else is the responsibility of the office of Education and the education bureaucracy in Wiesbaden.

as a goodwill gesture for violations of the Corona-rules

Since it can bring first, a high number of Offenbacher citizens to your holiday destination at all correct, has to belong to the administrative staff of the city, the mayor Felix Schwenke (SPD) and the full-time head of Department Peter Free (CDU), Sabine Groß (Green), and Paul-Gerhard Weiß (FDP), decided to provided quite substantial sanctions in case of violation of the Corona-rules for the start of School not to apply. This is true according to the city, but only for those offspring to the notice of the teachers, even the duty, to report to the health office. The staff did not, however, clear on Friday at the same time that there is this grace, if later, by new infections would occur to light, that journey will returnees go into quarantine, no Test done, and would not have been reported. In this case, each have to pay a penalty of up to 25,000 euros.

reduce the residual risk by returning from such areas, in addition to, the children on Monday in Offenbach, exceptionally, also in the lesson of a mask. “We can only try to minimize the risk. Quite the risk of infection is not ruled out,“ said a spokesman for the city. The office of education itself, the school lines, already in the past few weeks, fully informed, and to have a multilingual information material is also available in digital Form to distribute it to the target groups. Notwithstanding, hear from educators circles in Offenbach, it probably would make sense to move the start of School for safety reasons. The education and science trade Union of Hesse argues before the start of School on Monday for the distance rule of at least 1.50 meters in the classroom to be strictly observed, which is in addition to the Wearing of a mouth-nose protection – as an important means to curb the pandemic. Critics maintain the Union, that a return to the rule of teaching is impossible, simply because of the space in the schools is lacking.