It was day three of the study, as Valentina Puntmann and Eike Nagel watched on mute. Without a word, they knew of each other, the extent of began in this Moment, also to understand what they saw there. “There’s a lot more than we had feared,” says Nagel, Director of the Institute for Experimental and Translational Cardiovascular imaging at the University hospital of Frankfurt, his thoughts of that time.

Marie Lisa Kehler

Deputy Department head of the Regional section of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

F. A. Z. Twitter

The Team of cardiologists nail and Puntmann has been studied for a study of 100 former Corona-patients. Among other things, you have MRI for images of the hearts of the subjects made. In 78 patients, they were able to detect inflammatory changes of the heart, around 60 patients diagnosed with active inflammation of the heart muscle. A result, the scientists created a world-wide sensation. Also because after the publication of the study, minor errors in the statistical analysis were known. “We wanted to share the Knowledge as quickly as possible,” says Puntmann. It had been her and her Team, the primary issue is, no time to lose.

a disease can also. in the case of mild course of the heart

damage Within only a few days, the Team has summarized the collected study results and published Always connected with the aim of making the earliest possible Doctors around the world attention to the Problem and to seek appropriate forms of therapy for the patient. Despite the error, the key message of the study remains Convinced that the researchers are without prejudice to: A Corona-disease may be self-damaging in a mild and asymptomatic course of the heart. Currently, researchers believe that the Coronavirus is from the process sets a harmful autoimmune response that is causing the heart problems.

The most that have participated in the study, were only ill easily. 67 of the participants claimed to have recovered from your viral infection at home. 33 the Corona had to be Infected to be hospitalized, two of them even breathing. 47 women and 53 men have reported after a call to the University to volunteer as test subjects, most of them were between their late forties and early fifties.

The researchers produced a heart-recordings of the 100 study participants, in which no Coronavirus was detected. The comparison group was selected that agreed in age, gender, pre-existing conditions and weight of the Corona-patient agreement.

the observed changes in the heart, the patients had the majority of the former Corona, he said, for the time being, only observations. “Startling observations”, as Nagel says. Really surprising the result was. Because many of the patients had complained after surviving the Corona of infection through nonspecific symptoms, says cardiologist and reported by a young father of a family, the need recently to take a breather, if he climb the stairs. Earlier he had sprinted all the steps.