Finance Minister Olaf Scholz looks through his early Declaration to the SPD candidate for Chancellor in the substantive work of the Grand coalition is not endangered. “It’s not the morning of the election. But it is quite a normal government, you simply have to work,“ he said on Monday evening in the ARD. Scholz defended the surprising time of his nomination, thus also against criticism from the Union. The citizens could now recognize what they had with the SPD.

the management Board and the Presidium of the SPD had nominated Scholz on Monday unanimously as Chancellor candidate for the parliamentary election in 2021. A confirmation on a party is then no longer necessary. The SPD is the first in the Bundestag represented a party with a Registrar candidate for the election in the fall of 2021. While the CDU reacted cautiously, pushed the decision in the CSU to sharp criticism.

“Now is not the time for the election campaign and Kandidatenkür”

“Now is the time for the election campaign and Kandidatenkür. Our country is faced with major challenges and huge responsibilities in the Corona of a pandemic,” said CSU General Secretary Markus flower of the “Passauer Neue Presse” (Tuesday). To conjure up as a surprise coup, now a candidate out of the hat, was “almost an adventure”. Scholz was a respectable Minister – “but the proclamation of the Bundestag election campaign in this difficult Phase can be a burden for the work of the big coalition”.

On Monday had already made CSU leader Markus Söder, the SPD has announced their candidate for Chancellor, in his view, too early. He also warned, in the light of the smouldering Corona to start the pandemic early in the election campaign.

Scholz rejected this impression: “We have managed in a not uncomplicated process together,” he said in the ARD. “SPD Chancellor candidate fit together.” The Minister of Finance made it clear that he expected the backing of all the forces in the SPD. “That is surprised is important that the SPD is closed, all with their unity of purpose and Unity behind the candidate gathered and so it will be now,” he said in the ZDF.