Europe’s biggest Online fashion retailer Zalando has gained in the Corona-crisis, millions of customers. At the end of June, the number was in comparison to the previous year, a fifth higher, at more than 34 million, according to the Berlin-based company on Tuesday. Sales increased in the first six months, a similar rate to 3.56 billion euros in the second quarter the increase was 27 percent. The adjusted operating result increased slightly to € 113.3 million euros.

First, in mid-July, the company had raised its forecast for the year as a whole. It pays, therefore, for 2020, with a sales plus of 15 percent to 20 percent instead of 10 percent to 20 percent and an operating profit (Ebit) of between 250 and 300 million euros instead of 100 to 200 million euros.

Zalando benefited in the connection with the Corona-pandemic of significantly more customer orders via the Internet. Also activities with third party gained traction. The platform business, intends to expand the group in the second half of the year, therefore more. The share price rose after the publication of the Figures on Tuesday to 3.7 percent.