looking for a new location for the Municipal stages of Frankfurt, head of the Traffic Department, Klaus Oesterling (SPD) calls to mind the public transport more. Due to the threat of climate change is particularly important. The attractiveness of the city as a whole depends on such decisions.

Tobias Rösmann

editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z. Twitter

the CDU favoured location on the Raab-Karcher-site in the Eastern harbour Oesterling’s called “because of its lack of connection to the public transport unsuitable”. There, the distance to U-Bahnhof Ostbahnhof amounts, to the tram station and the future station of the North main’s S-Bahn about 500 meters. This was “not an acceptable development of more” and “basically out of the question”. Because when it rains, the spectator could be drenched still achieve the “entirely your target”.

a U and a S-Bahn line

Against a stage site in the Eastern harbour to the head of Department according to which, furthermore, that the U-Bahnhof Ostbahnhof will only be accessed by a single subway line, the future S-train station only a single S-Bahn line. In comparison to the existing transport links at the site Willy-Brandt-Platz that would be a deterioration, says Oesterling.

The present location he referred to as the “fully optimal”. Among the Urban stage, metro-cross, the offer with six lines of direct Connections in all directions was. Thanks to a short Umsteigewegs to the main guard, quick links would result in the entire Region and to the airport. Because the U-Bahn station at Willy-Brandt-was a covered space, the location of the theater audience also in case of rain weather dry access to drama and Opera. The could offer no other location.

150 meters to the railway station

the town policy Should adopt a new solution, each with its own locations for each theatre division, the SPD politician, an Opera house-new construction “under pure Transport considerations,” to the North of Willy-Brandt-Platz for the best. The disadvantage of this so-called mirror solution, however, would be the “very serious interference in the wall installations”. The could in terms of surface area, but not optically clear.