Due to a fire in the Cologne district court the trial of a key Suspect in the misuse has not started complex Bergisch Gladbach as planned. In the opener on Monday was postponed. In court it have placed in a cold room to a fire in a switch Cabinet, said a spokesman. You go to a technical Defect. The smoke was drawn up in the so – called Demonstration area for the premises, for defendant to wait in prison to your process. Also, the defendant in the abuse case, Bergisch Gladbach, would there need to be accommodated. This is currently not feasible.

In the process, the 43-Year-old, his little daughter sexually abused is accused of. The German is regarded as a Central figure in the abuse of complex Bergisch, which extends Gladbach, Germany meanwhile, Germany. The process was therefore expected with voltage. As the new date for the Start of the next Monday is now in the room. He must be confirmed by the court, but still.