social-democratic economic policy was not in Germany at the ballot box, successfully, if she was from a bourgeois point of view too far to the left and think was worthy to be embodied. Karl Schiller and Helmut Schmidt and Gerhard Schröder for this election result. This policy was aimed at the mind.

The social-democratic ideas of economic policy, however, go as far to the outside that intersection with the left party clearly. These ideas are aimed at the heart.

As you can do with such a policy, a country settled in the European post-war history, has often been observed – for example, in the first decades after the Second world war in Britain and later in France.

For many of the party old-fashioned

for a moderate economic policy à la Schiller, Schmidt and Schröder have become tight. It was addressed successfully, because it is the Union-bound, but more often than not value conservative workforce and career development, interested members of the middle class. The once was. The industrialized mass society is on the retreat.

For many of the urban and of the globalization-influenced milieu, the party looks old-fashioned; there, the Green more popular. In addition, the Union released into the wild with success in the traditional fields of the SPD. The social Democrats remained neither a reliable core clientele, nor do they have an important, the people-moving theme, the theme of voters to connect with them.

this Malaise, the parties of the moderate Left, not only in Germany. A way out is not obvious. The economic policy way to the left, i.e. to the place where the heart beats, proves to be politically devastating. The Socialist party in France is more or less smashed, under Jeremy Corbyn, the Labour Party has suffered even in their Northern English heart of the country a humiliating defeat, and the American Democrats have resisted, for good reason, the temptation to send Bernie Sanders against Donald Trump into the race.

dreams of a merger with the left party

The Corona-crisis has held the SPD once of to describe this way. The party chair Saskia esque and Norbert Walter-Borjans, were elected in the past year, Olaf Scholz, of the top away.

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large parts of the party have distanced themselves from the Hartz reforms of the Schröder government; with Gustav Horn, it took an Economist in the party’s Executive Committee, whose understanding of Keynesianism is not appears to be a long time in it. And, of course, can not imagine only woman esque in the SPD to cooperate with the left party and some social Democrats dream of a merger.

In the crisis, came in the Willy-Brandt-house of necessity to the conclusion, that the more efficient makers of respected Federal Minister of Finance, today offers the best opportunities, the decline of the SPD at the ballot box, at least, to stop. A self-runner that is not. Like a reasonable candidate for Chancellor, can fail due to a less reasonable party, showing the example of Peer steinbrück’s.