at The start of the process to the killing of a seven-year-old child in Basel, and the defendant has confessed to the crime. The 76-Year-old said on Monday before the criminal court, she had acted on impulse. “I regret it every day. I’m sorry for the family does to me.“ Never she had thought that she was capable of such an act, said the Elderly woman. “I was desperate, because I stand on the precipice.” The students had been killed in March, 2019 on the open road by stitches in the throat.

The Prosecutor believes that the crime was meticulously prepared. The Accused suffers from a delusional disorder, in particular a querulous delusion. Over 42 years, the Accused delusions have written a masterful writing letters to various authorities, according to the indictment. As of 2002, had been in the letters of the wife are often of the murder of the speech.

The 76-Year-old told the court in detail about their decades-long disputes with the authorities. “You would have at last to cease to plague us, and with us together to sit.” On the question of why a child had to die, could give the defendant no answer. The authorities had driven so far and how “free wild treats”. After the fact, the woman sent according to the indictment, a pre-prepared text message to multiple people. At 13: 30 – an hour after the homicide – have you asked yourself “calm and collected” and the weapon handed over. The Prosecutor’s office requested the detention of the 76-Year-old, because she was because of her mental health incompetent. For Tuesday, a verdict is expected.