It is still hot and humid in Germany, fierce heat, thunderstorms are a part. On Tuesday, it remains in the North is expected to be dry, while the middle and in the South, initially scattered showers and Thunderstorms, as the German weather service DWD said on Monday in Offenbach. Starting at noon can then raise individual strong Thunderstorms locally with severe weather danger. The temperatures reach maximum values between 30 and 37 degrees, on the lake and in the higher mountainous country, it remains a bit cooler.

On Wednesday pushed the thunderstorm air further to the southwest. According to DWD, especially in the areas of Rhineland-Palatinate, Baden-Württemberg to Bavaria affected. “The Rest can enjoy a Sunny day,” it said. On the coasts it will be up to 28 degrees warm, otherwise the temperatures to climb widely used on 30 to 36 degrees. At the hottest time of the year in the West of Germany.

Thursday starts friendly. Later, clouds are formed according to the forecasts, re-source. Area can occur showers, Thunderstorms and some severe weather. It remains hot for values of up to 29 to 35 degrees.

Also in the nights the temperatures fall in some areas hardly below 20 degrees. According to the meteorologists, the weather feels these days because of the Humidity once again warmer. Thus, the centre of medical-Meteorological research of the German weather service extended the current heat warnings, as it was called.

First communities to call for the water to save

Because of the persistent dryness of the first municipalities in Rhineland-call-Palatinate to the water to save. Yet there is in the water supply no acute emergency, said the Secretary for water management in the cities and municipalities of Rhineland-Palatinate, Thomas Rätz, on Monday in Mainz. “But there are signals that show that it is close.”

the verbandsgemeinde of Simmern-Rheinböllen in the Rhein-Hunsrück-Kreis, for example, has adopted, due to the threat of water shortages, already bans: To ensure basic drinking-water supply, must be filled in since Sunday, among other things, no swimming Pools or paddling pools in gardens, no green space, more watered and cars are washed on private property.