After a fatal highway accident in at least Tempo 286 has been sentenced on Monday in Essen, the driver (25) of a sports car for negligent homicide of a 14-month suspended sentence. In the accident in March 2019 a 18-year-old well-Known was the loss of life, the sat as a passenger next to him. The young man had taken the used car two days before possession.

The 25-Year-old will have to pay according to the judgment of the Essen district court, in addition, a penalty in the amount of 25,000 Euro. In addition, the court committed him to 500 hours of work and stripped him of his driver’s license. For two years, he may not make a new one. The judgment is not yet final. About his property and financial circumstances of the defendant made in the process, no details.

The man lost in the opinion of the court late in the evening of the 20th. March, 2019 on the A52 in the food control over its 570-horsepower sports car and came from the road. He hurled first against the guard rail and bounced against a tree behind it. The car was in pieces in the process. The unbelted passenger was thrown from the car and fatally injured. The 25-Year-old was treated for minor injuries. The accident happened on a highway section in the South of Essen, in the there is no speed limit.

The driver failed to exercise due diligence aside, said judge Heike Mute in the grounds of judgment. “The highways are not designed for unrestrained on rushing about. The vehicle was not in favour of the accused in the specific Situation manageable.“ Silent language of a high level of self-importance, of spiritual Immaturity and recklessness of the young man. A technical Defect in the court of the castle.

“Incredibly avoidable”

In the trial, it went almost exclusively to the cause of the accident. In the center are two opinions: One of the Prosecutor’s office that a driving error at the time of accident 23-Year-old discovered were. And from the defendant solicited opinions, in the Lifting of the vehicle to a ground shaft 138 meters in front of the scene of the accident was considered likely. As a result, the vehicle became uncontrollable. Both experts agreed that the car was almost 300 kilometres an hour when the accident happened.

“Would be the dangers the defendant with a lower speed, would have been a reaction,” said the judge. “A speed-lifting sign does not constitute a legal free space.” No drivers could be assumed to be at such a speed, there is no danger to other motorists. Add to this, that the A52, a busy highway in a Metropolitan area.