last night, the security forces have been able to expel the protesters in Minsk and other cities of Belarus of the streets and squares. But the Regime Alexandr Lukaschenkas has not triumphed. The election day has finally made clear what has become, in view of the mobilization for the opposition candidate, Svetlana Tichanowskaja in the past few weeks, more and more recognizable: The man who has won so far only-free presidential election in Belarus, 26 years ago, 80 percent of the votes, has in the population, no return call more.

According to the official Figures, Lukashenka has also now 80 percent of the vote – as he has announced before the election, as he said, about 20 percent would have always voted against him. But the Regime knows that the real picture looks quite different. By enabling Minsk on Sunday, long before the polls closed, in a state of siege and the Internet has greatly hindered, has it stood open, and that it can hold only by force of Power.

Reliable data about the actual election outcome, there is not yet – prevent Lukaschenkas minions. But there are numerous indications for a clear victory Tichanowskajas: The long queues in front of polling stations, in which very many people wear white bracelets – which are the sign of recognition of the Opposition; the accordion-shape folded ballot in the transparent ballot boxes – this convolution is to prevent votes for Tichanowskaja be placed in the count on the stack for Lukashenka; and, finally, the results from a growing number of polling stations in which Tichanowskaja has achieved a landslide victory.

the outcome of The trial, which has now begun, is open. Opponents of the regime in Belarus have never made illusions To the defense of his Power, Lukashenka would also allow protesters to shoot. Last night it was rubber bullets, but it is to be expected with worse. But even if Lukashenka should do it now, once again, the demonstrations with violence, to knock down, he has lost the country.

Because the protest movement is as wide as never before. When the Regime smashed ten years ago, a large demonstration against Lukaschenkas electoral fraud with violence, it was a single protest March of 50,000 people, drew on the Central street of Minsk to the administration building. In the outskirts of the capital and in the Rest of the country remained calm. On Sunday evening, have demanded anywhere in Belarus people in front of the polling stations are gathered, and an honest count; in all the larger cities there were demonstrations, which the security forces had initially result, in many regions helpless. And in Minsk, the protesters have demanded the security forces into the early hours of the morning in many different places out.

Svetlana Tichanowskaja and their supporters have announced that they are to the permanent protests at the ready. Their success or failure depends, however, not in the first line of your political skill. The demonstrations on Sunday had no organizers, and no leader. One of the crucial questions is now, how far the security forces, Lukashenka are ready to follow.