we follow the media’s response to the question of whether the actor Peter Weck, has almost found ninety, in his well-Known Joanna, 47, a new love. The a my Yes, the other no, and Wake himself seems to be time to boost this and the Thesis. The New blade Wake assured it was “nothing” to the story: “Neither am I moved with the young lady, still she is my new partner.”

Jörg Thomann

editor in the Department “life,” the Frankfurt General Sunday newspaper.

F. A. Z. Twitter

In Colorful it sounds a bit different: “It is a pleasant, fuzzy feeling”, is Wake up to the Protocol and: “My ability to love is still there.” Of a marriage but he wants to know nothing: “Joanna is not in my Future, but my Current.” That sounds less romantic as a pretty sober, but then again, nearly ninety, it is Not the future, but only the Moment counts.

Carpe momentum

In the picture again, it almost sounds as if the Moment was already over: “I’m not a stupid Boy,” says Weck here. “We both have no intentions.” It was, rather, a “critical friendship”. We at Weck would be quite flattered, if such a eager would speculate that we had in our blessed age, well, Yes, “intentions”. So, dear Mr. Wake: All the best and carpe diem. Or momentum.

Rather sceptical about love Affairs between younger women and act more gentlemen, is the picture of nobility in man, Alexander von Schönburg. “That’s why this woman is his downfall,” he writes to Sayn about Corinna-Wittgenstein, because Juan Carlos of Spain, the admire when previous extramarital Affairs, a value of “discreet and elegant” acted for “the monkeys” have done: “Poor old, man in love!”

According to this logic, the great error of the Altkönigs would not have been the alleged acceptance of bribes, but, allegedly, with their help, got the support of the Beloved. We detect a pattern here, because the Royal departure, Prince Harry stand for the beautiful castle, the guilty party: “I consider Meghan to be a dangerous Person.” But is now, fortunately, Yes way, and if the Royals throw maybe Camilla, Kate, and of course the Queen out, England finally have a proud, male monarchy.

flight to USA

the Echo of the woman speculated, meanwhile, that Juan Carlos took refuge in Germany could find: “Here he has influential friends and through his numerous hunting trips points of reference.” We don’t know what it is about, but, all of the home to vacationers, the currently by our forests, well to eight. Especially when you have the stature of an elephant.

the jungle camp will Move to may. According to the woman in the mirror the Show in 2021 should take place “as usual in Australia, but in the Scottish Highlands”. For the candidates, the challenge would be to even more extreme: Camping in the cold and rain, a lot of fun, everyone. Even with the disgust trials, there would be a further level of escalation: After kangaroo testicles and cockroaches puree the participant would have then served Haggis. Disgusting!