couples without a marriage certificate, living in different countries can see each other, despite strict Corona-rules again soon. Germany cancels the controversial travel restrictions for the Affected for the upcoming week. As the Federal government announced the Ministry of the interior on Friday in Berlin, can enter unmarried Partner from Non-EU States, from Monday to return to Germany. Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) was the last to come under increasing pressure, because Binational couples have already had calls for weeks for a solution.

requirement for, the newly adopted Immigration relief, according to the Ministry, however, is a long-term partnership. This is about to be a common residence abroad or a previous personal Meeting in Germany demonstrated. In addition to travel documents, to prove a previous Meeting, are also an invitation from the living in Germany partner as well as a jointly signed statement to the existence of the relationship.

To contain the Coronavirus had Germany and the other EU States have a far-reaching ban on entry for citizens of most Non EU-imposed countries. Short-term visits to spouses, registered life partners or close relatives are allowed, under certain conditions, from these countries. Unmarried were not able to visit their partners in Germany – at least so far. “I welcome the fact that we can make this possible in a European context now,” said Seehofer.

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the previous day had, however, stressed a spokesman for the EU Commission, the EU rules allow exceptions for unmarried couples. The EU Commission is only at the 27. July once again, all member States are asked to let foreigners in a durable relationship with a Union citizen to enter the country. Seehofer noted, however, that he wanted a European and not a national solution, which he himself had provided to the coalition partner SPD last for a lack of understanding. As Federal foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) had demands of his coalition partners to Act quickly in. “Germany should be a pioneer in Europe, and not Laggards, when it comes to beloved bring people together again, are ripped by means of Corona for months apart.” He had told the news magazine “der Spiegel”.