The German Bank gets a whiff of a new financing needs of the company and has obliged the Fintech pioneer, and experts on Payment systems Jochen Siegert. Siegert has worked for Paypal and Mastercard and is currently chief financial officer of the supplier credit platform, Traxpay, a German Bank just holds a minority interest. 17. August to build Siegert is now in the corporate division of the Deutsche Bank’s digital market places (“platforms”) and financing solutions to develop.

Hanno Mußler

editor in the economy.

F. A. Z.

The meaning behind it, Stefan Hoops, chief of the division of Deutsche Bank, explained: “From many conversations with our customers, we know that, for example, machine manufacturers tie their customers closer to ankara evden eve nakliyat firması themselves. And many customers shy away in the Corona-crisis investments.“ In order to find for both sides a good financing solution, would you as a Bank earlier machine Leasing or machine-hire-purchase is recommended, tells Hoops in the conversation with the F. A. Z. “Today, but there are quite new possibilities of usage-based funding, because the machines are networked in the age of the Internet of things with each other, and the exchange of persistent data.”

Rent to own

What are consumer platforms, such as Netflix already know, the German Bank for your customers from the industry: Less own Equipment have, instead, more machine hire, and only for the use of pay. The industrial networking and the resulting data allow today, technicians to know the intensity of use of a machine and to deduce their necessary maintenance, or the duration of use. This information in cash flows and to translate then in Finance, the challenge will be for banks. “This Trend is promoted by our corporate clients, as Deutsche Bank we want to be able to industry 4.0, the financing solution 4.0 deliver,” says Hoops. This will take a few months.

The market square is currently being built

you must First be on the marketplace Understanding between manufacturers and users clarified: Who determines who has what is used for how long or how intense? Who protects you from Hacker attacks? And in whose balance – sheet, to use paid for Rental of the assets is posted to the manufacturer or the user? “The market is only starting to develop. We are with 30 pilot customers, with lawyers and auditors, and a framework for this new Ecosystem to define,“ says Hoops. It was clear now: “It depends on the type of machine, different financing models,” says Daniel Schmand, head of trade Finance and corporate loans to the German Bank.

data cash flows

The cash flows differ as to whether, for example, a forklift can be transported to and from multiple tenants can be used, or whether a machine is installed in a tenant. And the German Bank will then decide which financial solutions to customers to offer you your industry on the platform. First of all, they wanted to offer their own loans. However, insurers, Private Equity investors and Family Offices are likely to be interested in this Form of German SME financing as an investor. “A possibility may be to bundle similar financing and to place then on the capital market”, says sour cream in the conversation with the F. A., for example.

securitisation as a possibility

This will go slowly, but the Potential is great, says Hoops. “Financial innovations arise over time. But this growing market of usage-based Leasing, financing will establish in the coming years. Therefore, it is important to set right at the beginning of the rules properly. The only way to ensure that the market works for the long term and undesirable developments as in the run-up to the financial crisis can be prevented.“ At the beginning of the Millennium, banks, real estate bundled loans. Then a few years were launched later nested derivatives, which caused, ultimately, as the sub-Prime loans financial crisis. It should not come on the platform of the Deutsche Bank, of course.