After a larger Corona outbreak in Germany, the Situation in the city remains stable. The number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days on Thursday 29 and thus on the previous day’s level, such as the Hessian Ministry of social Affairs informed. The so-called Seven-day incidence had risen on Tuesday, first to 39 and then dropped. As the threshold for stricter measures for the protection against infection, a value of 50 applies. The city of Offenbach, however, had already reacted to the Situation: you took a picnic and barbecue ban in Parks.

In the Odenwald circle is tense, the Situation with 26 infections per 100,000 inhabitants, within seven days. Behind the Rheingau-Taunus-Kreis with 22.

Offenbach self-reported on Thursday three new cases of infection. So 65 people in the city were up to date with Covid-19 infected. The Seven-day incidence of the city was 30.3. Differences between city and Country is nothing New and can be at different points in time of the calculation result. In Offenbach, in addition to the officially Diseased 406 persons in home quarantine because they had contact with a positively Tested or from a trip outside the EU, are returned.

Hesse, the number of since the beginning of the pandemic, Infected moderate, rose to 56 on 12.310, such as the Ministry of social Affairs informed (as of 14.00). The number of deaths remained at 523. In the statistics of the Ministry of information to be recorded, which has been provided by the municipalities up to a certain point in time in an electronic database.