The special representative of the American government for Iran, Brian Hook, step back. The advocates of a tough line against Tehran returns in the private sector, as foreign Minister Mike Pompeo announced on Thursday. Hook had made “historical results” in the fight against the “Iranian Regime”.

A basic and a more accurate date for the replacement has not been mentioned. This comes as a surprise, because in the next week in the UN security Council on the renewal of the arms embargo against the Islamic Republic should vote. The 52-year-old Hook set for 2018, the Iran policy of the government of President Donald Trump, the sets in the nuclear dispute on to a hard-line and punitive measures.

The Republicans, was considered one of the most influential figures in the Ministry of foreign Affairs. He will be temporarily replaced by the special representative for Venezuela, Elliott Abrams, who will be the first for both countries.

Since the inauguration of President Donald Trump at the beginning of 2017 the United States will have their course Tehran is dramatically exacerbated. Under the Republicans in Washington for increased unilaterally from the international nuclear agreement with Iran and imposed new sanctions. This policy of the hardness pushes in the case of many American allies on criticism, among others in Germany. Next week, the United States want to submit to the UN security Council a draft resolution, with the extension of an arms embargo against Iran want to achieve.

Hooks cancellation is made three months before the American presidential election of 3. November. Trumps wants to put Biden democratic Challenger Joe in the event of an electoral victory on negotiations with Iran and a diplomatic solution.