The king’s house is part of the DNA of the Spanish democracy. More than four decades, Juan Carlos was solved, first, a king of the “Caudillos” grace, quickly, and opted out of the shadow of the Franco dictatorship. The Transition to democracy meant not a radical break with the past. But the good relations of the young monarch to the military were essential for not the generals trimmed the new freedoms. Dozens of times it was done already. Juan Carlos was in the crucial years of the transición of the bridge-builders.

This political legacy is threatened in the face of scandals and allegations of corruption against the now 82-year-old monarch in oblivion. For his personal debt to Juan Carlos, it must stand for itself in the end. For the part he has already done this. Six years ago, he renounced the throne, he now went into exile. In fact, the allegations of corruption are frightening. It is more than a hundred million dollars. Nevertheless, it is inappropriate for you to ask, therefore, is equal to the monarchy in question. Exactly, the left-wing politicians, Catalan separatists and Basque nationalists do.

a Reflex you have to take the long-known allegations against the retired king to the occasion to fight for a Republic. What is new is that these claims come from the Madrid government itself. While the socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez confirmed to king Felipe VI. the loyalty of his government, is done to his Deputy Pablo Iglesias of the “debate on the Benefits of monarchy”. The Chairman of the left alternative Podemos party provides for a “historical movement” among young Spaniards. This would transform the country sooner or later into a Republic.

This Argument is not to be dismissed out of Hand: The younger they are, the Spanish are, the more you favour a Republic. In the total population can imagine a narrow majority in a Spain without a king. The more the memory of the merits of Juan Carlos faded, the greater the desire for a change in the system.


unlike, for example, in the United Kingdom, the Spanish monarchy has no solid Foundation, and you are independent from the respective throne holders. The Constitution of 1931 abolished the kingship, after Alfonso XIII had gone into exile. Opponents of the monarchy point out that Juan Carlos, the crown of the dictator Francisco Franco owe, the had the in his will so. The Referendum on the democratic Constitution of 1978, left the Spaniards no choice. Belonged to the Monarch as head of state.

now, Too, calls for a Referendum to be loud. However, a large state reform requires a consensus of the politically divided country is far away. For the abolition of the monarchy by a two-thirds majority in both houses of Parliament is necessary, then elections and a Referendum followed. A Republican majority is not yet in sight. Only 70 of the 350 members want to abolish the monarchy. The crisis in the king’s house is not the Problem, the Spaniard is of concern to most. The consequences of the Corona pandemic, Rob, especially the fear of the workplace, the bedroom. At the same time you lose more and more confidence in their political personnel.

Spain should be at the beginning of the second Corona-wave realistic and its institutions, rather than by endless debates politically lame. A Reform that limited the criminal immunity of the head of state on his official duties, would be useful and possible. Because the country with more than 40 000 Corona-dead controls, perhaps its most severe test, in which Felipe can show that he can be the Spaniards useful.