You might sometimes think that the term core leather saddle and the brand name Brooks are in the Bicycle world synonyms. This is not only with the soon to be 140 years of Tradition of the British manufacturer. It is in – even well-stocked – to discover Bicycle shop currently no other brand of leather saddles. In the past this was not so. However, even today, who are looking for a leather saddle, certainly superior Alternatives to Brooks values.

Until a few years ago were, for example, leather saddles, the German traditional brand Wittkop. True monsters were, broad and heavy, with a powerful train – and pressure-springs in the base. Wittkop had been acquired at the end of the eighties of the components manufacturer and distributor Büchel. Not under the name Wittkop today, in addition to a model, the Big Gorilla (the only way, but also in looks) around the sprung touring saddle California in the program: a more comfortable, wider, to a full behind of waiting for a bike seat with a chrome base and a saddle blanket from the artificial leather Skai.

the bear quickly to: If of leather the speech, not calipers, then a “Bicycle saddle with leather look”, or, as always, the plastic structure for advertising purposes is described, but a piece of nature: five-Millimeter-thick cowhide, under the influence of moisture, pressure and gentle warming in a longer drying in the Form and a triangular bridge made of steel wire and sheet metal riveted.

This design principle has not changed since the first Patent by Brooks in front of soon one and a half centuries; it’s just been in many ways modified, especially in two directions: firstly, the self-supporting between the studs hanging leather instead of a practically non-yielding bridge has been given a resilient suspension. Until today, Japanese-looking structures with thicknesses of coil springs are again regardless of weight martial in the offer. On the other hand, you tried to make for the sport of Cycling with the saddles easier. But, of course, not a leather saddle with a modern plastic, for example, a seat shell made of carbon can compete on the scale.

A manufacturer that is not built up to the end of the eighties, only traditional leather saddles, but the shapes created, which was similar to modern how to establish this time, plastic saddles, the French brand Idéale. Today, you can still have the classic model No. 90 Spécial Competition with the embossing “Rodée main selon Rebour”, so vorgewalkt according to the method of Daniel Rebour, the arts and crafts price of around 280 euros new. Just no excitement For a little-used, decades ago, made copies, prices from more than 600 dollars on the net.