The Israeli military has foiled in the North, on the border with Syria, a bomb attack and rocket fire from the Gaza strip targets in the Palestinian territory is attacked. On the Northern Golan heights, the soldiers observed, according to the army in the night on Monday a group trying to place it on an unoccupied Israeli Post near the security fence explosives. The four men had been fired as a result. An Israeli officer told the German press Agency, the army will assume that all members of the group had been killed. It remained unclear which Organisation they belonged.

In the South, warplanes strafed to the poor information of the underground facilities of the Islamist Hamas. The organization was made for the attack with a missile responsible for the Sunday evening had been intercepted by the defense system “Iron Dome”. Reports about the victims was not known the attack no one first.

In the South of Israel, it always comes back to rocket fire from the Gaza strip and the Israeli army responded usually with air attacks. On the disputed Golan heights in the North of the country, tensions have increased on the borders with Lebanon and Syria, however, last. The Israeli army has reinforced their troops there.